
reading newspapers is the most important way we get news . if you read newspaper carefully , you will find there are all kinds of news , accidents , fires , sports , wars , books , etc . sometimes there is very interesting news .
a news report is usually very short , except when it is very important , but it has a lot of information . it is also written in short paragraphs . the first paragraph usually gives all the information ; what , when , where , how and way . the other paragraphs give full details of the subject .
1.a newspaper mainly tells people ___.
A.the weather B.sports C.accidents D.all kinds of news
2.there was a great football match between china and england yesterday ;we can get the news ___.
A.from our classmates B.in the school C.in the newspaper D.on the bus
3.a short news report is ___.
A.not important B.not useful C.interesting D.also important
4.if you are busy but you still want to know the result of a piece of sports news , you can get it ___ quickly .
A.in the first paragraph B.in the second paragraph
C.in the third paragraph D.in the last paragraph
5.if you want to read a full detail of an accident , you can read it in ___.
A.the first paragraph B.the other paragraphs
C.the sports news D.the book

1.D 解析:在原文的第二行有“you will find there are all kinds of news ”故,选择D。
2.C 解析:原文的第二行最后有:sports , wars , books 这些都是你在报纸上能够找到的消息,所以选择C
3.D 解析:原文的第二段:a news report is usually very short , except when it is very important , but it has a lot of information .
4.A 解析:原文 第五行 the first paragraph usually gives all the information ; what , when , where , how and way . 说明:第一段介绍的是主要内容,所以选择A
5.B 解析:原文的最后一行有“ the other paragraphs give full details of the subject .” 其他段介绍事情的全过程 所以选择B
第1个回答  2010-03-26
reading newspapers is the most important way we get news . if you read newspaper carefully , you will find there are all kinds of news , accidents , fires , sports , wars , books , etc . sometimes there is very interesting news .
a news report is usually very short , except when it is very important , but it has a lot of information . it is also written in short paragraphs . the first paragraph usually gives all the information ; what , when , where , how and way . the other paragraphs give full details of the subject .

1.a newspaper mainly tells people _A__.
A.the weather B.sports C.accidents D.all kinds of news

2.there was a great football match between china and england yesterday ;we can get the news _C__.
A.from our classmates B.in the school C.in the newspaper D.on the bus

3.a short news report is _D__.
A.not important B.not useful C.interesting D.also important

4.if you are busy but you still want to know the result of a piece of sports news , you can get it __A_ quickly
A.in the first paragraph B.in the second paragraph
C.in the third paragraph D.in the last paragraph

5.if you want to read a full detail of an accident , you can read it in _B__.
A.the first paragraph B.the other paragraphs
C.the sports news D.the book

第2个回答  2010-03-27
第3个回答  推荐于2021-02-16