

1. Love is a deep, tender, and ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude towards a person, which may arise from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
2. It can also refer to a feeling of intense desire and attraction towards a person with whom one is inclined to form a pair, encompassing the emotions of sex and romance.
3. Additionally, love can denote a strong emotional attachment to an object or pet, indicating a deep fondness or infatuation.
4. The term is often used as a term of endearment, referring to a person who is the object of deep or intense affection or attraction, often followed by a nickname or a possessive pronoun.
5. Expressions of love include acts that convey affection, such as sending one's regards, showing fondness, or demonstrating a strong predilection or enthusiasm for something.
6. In tennis, a score of zero is referred to as "love," symbolizing a null or void score in the game.
7. To love someone means to experience a profound affection or intense desire for them, while loving an activity indicates a strong fondness or passion for it.
8. In theological contexts, love is often associated with charity, representing a selfless and compassionate attitude towards others.
9. The phrase "for love" is used to express actions performed out of affection or compassion, without any expectation of reward.
10. "For love or money" suggests that an action is acceptable under any circumstances, typically used in negative statements to emphasize reluctance or refusal to do something.
11. "No love lost" implies a lack of affection or animosity between two people, suggesting they have little or no positive feelings towards each other.
12. The word love originates from Middle English, derived from Old English "lufu," and is related to terms such as affection, devotion, fondness, and infatuation, all of which describe varying degrees of personal attachment or attraction to another person.