so long as和as long as的区别

so long as和as long as的区别 表只要时可互换, so long as 连状从,只用在否定句中 as long as 连接主句,用于同级比较可用于肯定句否定句中, 还表示 和……一样长

1.当用于同级比较时,as .as 既可用于肯定中也可用于否定句中,
而 只能用于否定句中.
e.g.Our profits will be good as/so long as the dollar remains strong.
第1个回答  2016-04-23
so long as如此长一样和as long as像----一样长
第2个回答  2018-05-18
一、当 as long as 用于本义表示“与……一样长”时,与 so long as 在用法上的区别是:as long as 可用于肯定句或肯定句,so long as 只用于肯定,不用于肯定句。如:

It took three times as long as I had expected.

二、当as long as和so long as均表示“只要”,用于引导条件状语从句,两者没什么区别。如:
1.I don’t care so [as] long as she lets me be with her son.

as/so long as 的用法:
一、在表示during the whole time that(长达……之久)或while(只要)的含义时,往往用as long as。如:

1. They all continued their regard for me as long as they lived. 他们毕生都在关心着我。
二、在表示on condition that, provided that或if(只要,如果)的含义时,用as long as或so long as的情况均很常见。如:

1. You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock. 你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来。
三、在表示since, considering that(既然,因为)的含义时,多用as long as。如:

1. As long as we've driven this far, we might as well go on. 我们既然已经驶得这么远了,就不妨继续前进。
四、有时,as / so long as与if only同义,由它引导的状语分句可不依附主句而单独使用,表示说话人的希望、愿望或遗憾心情等。如:

-It's said it's going to turn colder and freeze later on. 听说过些时候天气要变冷,有冰冻。
五、在用as / so long as连接的从句中,当其谓语为be,而主语和主句的主语相同时,则从句的主语和be可以省略。如:

I'm sure we are safe as long as(we are) in his care. 我深信只要在他的保护下,我们就会平安无事。