An investigation was made into the accident,()50 people were killed

如题,括号处为什么能用 in which 而不用 where?

虽然in which =where 但是 引导非限制性定于从句 ,没用用where引导的吧,用where就不能用逗号隔开,表示地点状语.这里明显隔开了 就用in whcih 。

in which和where的区别:

在一定程度上,in which = where.当它们修饰的先行词是表地点状语时,这时in which = where。

如:This is the house in which I lived two years ago.  =This is the house where I lived two years ago.   这是我两年前住的房子。


例如:The house where I live is beautibul.如果把in放在house后面,就只能用which,不能用where。The house in which I live is beautibul。

第1个回答  2010-03-31
虽然in which =where 但是 引导非限制性定于从句 , 没用用where引导的吧, 用where就不能用逗号隔开,表示地点状语。 这里明显隔开了 就用in whcih .本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-03-31
where 是指地点,in which 里的which 是代事故,50人是在事故中死亡应该说50 people were killed in the accident,所以用in which