



1. 方便快捷:无论地点、时间和天气都可以进行网购,可以随时随地轻松购买所需要的商品。

2. 商品丰富:网购可以充分利用全球范围内商品供应网络,可以得到不同地区、不同品牌、不同类型的商品。

3. 比较商品价格:网购可以使用搜索引擎进行产品比较,可以从各个商家之间实时比较价格,节约购买成本。

4. 节省时间:在快节奏的现代社会,网购可以省去购物中须要的交通时间,顺便减少为购物而来回受阻的时间。


1. 质量不稳定:网购所购买的商品看不到实物,无法进行实物检查,不能知道实物商品的质量是否完好,存在风险。

2. 可靠性差:部分不良商家会在网上贩售非常规商品,也有可能是假冒伪劣商品,这些商品出售后消费者可能会遇到投诉、退货、售后等问题。

3. 物流和送货慢:现在物流也走向便捷化。但是在线购物的送货速度不能与线下商家操作的快捷相比。因此竞争优势较小。

4. 网络诈骗问题:网上购物存在诈骗风险,如虚假销售和非法代购等,顾客需要注意安全问题。

第1个回答  2023-04-16
第2个回答  2022-12-11
1. Save Time – With just a couple of clicks of the mouse, you can purchase your shopping orders and instantly move to other important things, which can save time.

2. Save Fuel – One of the advantages of shopping online is that there is no need for vehicles, so no purchase of fuel necessary.

3 Hate Waiting in Lines – The idea of shopping online is cutting down those bad habits of standing in a long line and just waiting.
4.Comparison of Prices – The advanced innovation of search engine allows you to easily check prices and compare with just a few clicks. This gives you the freedom to determine which online store offers the most affordable item you are going to buy.

5. 24/7 Availability – Online shopping stores are open round the clock of 24/7, 7 days a week and 365 days.
1. Personally Check the Item – If you are one of those shoppers who want to touch, see, and test the product personally, at online shopping, you are not able to do so.

2. Diminished Instant Satisfaction – Unlike buying at retail stores, you are able to use the product instantly after you buy it, which can be satisfying.
3. Online stores are only showing product description and photos of the merchandise, which can be a disadvantage for many online shoppers.

4. However, online shopping requires patience to wait for the item to arrive at your door step about 2 to 3 days or even longer depending on the location you've ordered it from.
