

英语中,"FY"是一个常见的缩写词,它代表"Fiscal Year",中文直译为“会计年度”。这个术语主要在学术界和大学领域中使用,其拼音为"kuài jì nián dù",在英语中的流行度为230。"FY"主要应用于财政管理和经济报告中,用来标识特定一年的财务期。

例如,"They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year"表明人们正在为下一财年的预算削减做准备;"As to your wish to have an extra secretary, let's leave it open until the next fiscal year"涉及到了关于人事安排到下一财年的时间安排。"Its revenue rose 12 % in its last fiscal year and its net profit rose 28 %"展示了公司在上一财年的业绩增长情况。

戴尔公司的事例中,"In its last fiscal year, PC sales fell 4 % while laptop and tablet sales rose 1 %"显示了不同产品线在财年中的销售变化。"The president says their efforts led to the recent budget agreement for the remainder of this fiscal year"则强调了财政年度在政策制定中的重要性。
