

1. 身高1.6米的人,穿着3尺长的裤子,其腿长比例是否正常?
2. 正常的身高与腿长比例是多少?
3. 3尺等于多少米?
4. 根据身高1.6米和裤长3尺,计算出的腿长比例是多少?
5. 这个腿长比例是否在正常范围内?
1. Yes, a person who is 1.6 meters tall and wears pants that are 3 feet long has a normal leg length proportion.
2. The golden ratio for height and leg length is approximately 1:0.618, which means that a person's total height should be proportionate to their leg length in a ratio of 1:0.618.
3. 3 feet is equal to 0.9144 meters.
4. For a person who is 1.6 meters tall, a pant length of 3 feet results in a leg length proportion of approximately 1:0.625.
5. Yes, this leg length proportion is within the normal range.