trying to do和try doing有什么区别?


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析attempt to do 和attempt doing的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- "Attempt to do":表示尝试或试图去做某事,通常表示目标或动作。

- "Attempt doing":表示尝试或试图以某种方式去做某事,强调动作或方式。


- I will attempt to solve the puzzle. (我将尝试解决这个谜题。)

- She attempted singing the high note, but it was too difficult. (她试图唱高音,但太难了。)

2. 用法区别:

- "Attempt to do":用于描述对某个具体目标或动作的尝试或试图。

- "Attempt doing":用于描述对某种方式或方法的尝试或试图。


- He attempted to climb the mountain without any prior experience. (他试图在没有任何经验的情况下攀登这座山。)

- She attempted cooking the dish following the recipe. (她尝试按照食谱做这道菜。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "Attempt to do":适用于描述具体目标或动作的尝试或试图的情境。

- "Attempt doing":适用于描述以某种方式或方法尝试或试图做某事的情境。


- The climbers attempted to reach the summit, but the weather conditions forced them to turn back. (登山者们试图登上山顶,但天气条件迫使他们返回。)

- She attempted to fix the broken television by following an online tutorial. (她试图通过跟随在线教程修理坏了的电视。)

4. 形象区别:

- "Attempt to do":强调对具体目标或动作的尝试或试图,突出行动或前进的意图。

- "Attempt doing":强调以某种方式或方法的尝试或试图,突出尝试的方式或手段。


- He attempted to break the world record for the marathon. (他试图打破马拉松的世界纪录。)

- She attempted fixing the car by watching instructional videos. (她试图通过观看教学视频修理汽车。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "Attempt to do" 和 "Attempt doing" 的影响范围在描述尝试或试图的具体目标、动作或方式上有所区别。


- He attempted to persuade his boss to give him a raise. (他试图说服老板给他加薪。)

- She attempted solving the problem by using a different approach. (她试图通过采用不同的方法来解决问题。)
