

5.The old lady can not hope to ______hercold in a few days.
A.get over B.get off C.hold back D.hold up

6.Jim’s plans to go to college______at thelast moment.
A.fell out B.gave away C.gave off D.fell through

7.Keys should never be hidden around thehouse since thieves______know where to look.
A.virtually B.variously C.unavoidably D.invariably

8.The finance minister had not beenso_______since he raised taxes to such a high level.
A.popular B.well-known C.favorable D.preferable

9.They have held several meetingsto_____next year’s production plans.
A.set down B.make out C.work up D.draw up

10.I just managed to ____a quick breathbefore I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.
A.snatch B.scratch C.scrape D.scan
11.My house is the only brick one on thestreet.It_______and you can’t miss it.
A,stands up B.looks out C.sticks out D.wipes out

5.The old lady can not hope to ______her cold in a few days.

A.get over B.get off C.hold back D.hold up
get over:从...中恢复过来 get off:下车,离开

6.Jim’s plans to go to college______at the last moment.
A.fell out B.gave away C.gave off D.fell through
fall through:落空,失败 give away:放弃,泄露

7.Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves______know where to look.
A.virtually B.variously C.unavoidably D.invariably
invariably:总是,一定地 virtually:事实上,几乎

8.The finance minister had not been so_______since he raised taxes to such a high level.
A.popular B.well-known C.favorable D.preferable
popular:流行的,受欢迎的 preferable:更好的
Prevention of a problem is always preferable to trying to
cure it.

9.They have held several meetings to_____next year’s production plans.
A.set down B.make out C.work up D.draw up

选A。set down:确定,制定 draw up:起草,草拟

10.I just managed to ____a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the passing boat.
A.snatch B.scratch C.scrape D.scan
snatch:抽空做 snatch a quick breath:匆忙猛吸了一口气 scan:扫描,浏览

11.My house is the only brick one on the street.It_______and you can’t miss it.
A,stands up B.looks out C.sticks out D.wipes out
stick out:醒目,显眼 wipe out:消灭,擦去

第1个回答  2013-11-08
A. get over 克服,恢复。 B.动身,从...下来,脱下 所以应该选A
6、句意:Jim 上大学的计划在最后一刻泡汤了。
B.泄露,分发 D.落空,失败 所以应该选D
7、D. invariably指“总是,不变地”。 A.virtually 事实上,几乎,实质上
A. popular adj. 流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的;大众的;普及的
B. well-known adj. 著名的;众所周知的;清楚明白的
C. favorable adj. 有利的;良好的;赞成的,赞许的;讨人喜欢的
D. preferable adj. 更好的,更可取的;更合意的
句意:自从财政部长把税升到那么高,他就不再受人们欢迎了。 所以应该选A了。
D. 起草 是正确的啊
10、词组--snatch a quick breath
A.scan 浏览,扫描 不符合题意。
C.醒目,突出 D.消灭,垮台,封闭
第2个回答  2013-11-08
5 老妇人不可能期望在短时间内克服寒冷 get over 克服;(使)渡过;走完;传送 get off 下(车、马等);离开;发出;(使)入睡
6 简去上大学的计划在最后的时刻未能实现 gave away 放弃了fell through未能实现
7 钥匙不应该被藏在房子周围,因为小偷总是知道去哪儿找它 virtually 实际上,事实上invariably总是
8 财政部长不可能这么受欢迎,因为他把税提的很高。popular是受欢迎,preferable更好的,更可取的;略胜一筹的
9 hold out
10 在我被过去的船只卷入水中之前,我设法进行一个快速的深呼吸 snatch抢夺,夺得;及时救助 scan粗略的浏览的意思,
11 我的房子是这个街道上唯一的一座砖头房,它伸出来,你不可能错过它。sticks out是伸出的意思 wipes out是消除的意思
第3个回答  2013-11-08

    错误是因为短语意思不清楚 get over 指克服,熬过, get off 指下去

    B是指分发东西 丧失优势  D是指梦想破灭 

    A是指事实上,D是指总是 总能 根据句义选A

    A是指 受到大众欢迎 D是指更好的 根据句义判断选A

    我觉得选D 意思是草拟plan

    句子是快速呼吸一下,scan是浏览的意思 snatch指猛地一下拉住 所以选A

    C是突出 D是消灭了

    综上所述, 你还是不理解什么意思 包括短语和句子本身 就盲目做题 这样是没有效果的

第4个回答  2013-11-08
5. get over (从不快或疾病中) 恢复过来 get off 一般是指摆脱,逃脱。
6. fall through 专指计划破产, 失败,泡汤 give away 放弃 【相比之下fall through更贴切,也不似说give away不行】
7. invariably =always 总是 。 【这题考词汇,没技术性】

8. 财政部长从来没有这么【受过关注(popular)】,直到他把税提到这么高之后。
9. 选D 起草/拟定 下年的生产计划。
10. snatch 迅速抓住(某物)(尤指机会),在被卷入水底之前,赶紧吸了一口气。
11. stick out 突出,醒目 。我家房子是砖盖的,很突出... wipe out 是消灭,抹除。