
写一篇70到80 的英语小作文。

In general, there are two kinds of attitude towards live. While one is that doing the same thing from day to day and avoiding any kinds of change, the other one is that looking for difference every day and treat it as a good thing for always. In my opinion, I strongly agree that every time of change is an opportunity to improve ourselves. Therefore, I will show some details in turn below.

In some case, change can often be treated as a challenge, no matter it is happen naturally or we are looking for. Thus, challenge contributes us to deal with, which is the way to step up. Especially,change is good for youngster due to that not only can make them more patient, but enrich their experience and widen horizon as well. In addition, only be the youngster who tends to have more time and passion to face change with fearless.

On the other hand, there are some people believe that live steady make life both safe and health. Because of keep change away mean keep all kinds of threat away to them. However, the people who doing same thing that like a Robert step by step is monotonous, the quality of life is lost. Nevertheless, for the elder people. the pace of life mostly should be stable. Obviously, they will not be able to suffer and accidently change with their body and mind.

In conclusion, change is creative thing though people's growth. Everyone should keep positive and try best to every change in the life.