

新概念英语一册标准测试题Test 4(Lesson 19~24)


I. 从[A]、[B]、[C]、[D]中选出划线部分读音不同的选项。(10%)

1. [A] matter [B]small [C]grandmother [D]magazine

2. [A]stereo [B]bed [C]television [D]desk

3. [A]give [B]knife [C]housewives [D]five

4. [A]thirsty [B]grandfather [C]these [D]the

5. [A]children [B]which [C]Chinese [D]school

6. [A]milk [B]fork [C]black [D]knife

7. [A]coat [B]cup [C]cupboard [D]cigarette

8. [A]tin [B]shut [C]table [D]Dutch

9. [A]on [B]long [C]box [D]come

10. [A]shoe [B]too [C]stereo [D]spoon


11. one hundred and three ______
12. one hundred and ten ______
13. four hundred and six ______
14. nine hundred and eleven ______
15. five hundred and thirty-two ______
16. two hundred and eight _____
17. three hundred and twelve _____
18. six hundred and twenty-one _____
19. seven hundred and eighty-four _____
20. eight hundred and ninety-seven _____

III. 选择填空。(10%)

21. There ___ a hat on the table.
[A]am [B]is [C]are [D]have

22. Give ___ some oranges, please.
[A]me [B]I [C]my [D]we

23. ―Which one?
―The one ___ the floor.
[A]in [B]and [C]on [D]or

24. Give us some ___.
[A]news paper [B]newspapers [C]newspaperes [D]newspaper

25. ―Is this your magazine?
―Yes. Please ___ me.
[A]give it to [B]give to it [C]give it [D]give it for

26. ―___ man is Mr. Blake?
―The one in the car.
[A]What [B]Who [C]Which [D]Where

27. This is ___ bag. That is ___ bag.
[A]we; their [B]our; their [C]my; they [D]our; they

28. ―Are these the Tom’s books?
―No, it’s not. ___ books are blue.
[A]He [B]His [C]Him [D]Her

29. ―These?
―No, not ___.
[A]these [B]the [C]ones [D]those

30. This is not my desk. It’s ___.
[A]Bob and Susan [B]Bob and Susan’s
[C]Bob’s and Susan [D]Bob’s and Susan’s

IV. 补全下列情景对话。(10%)

A. ANNA: Hi, Lucy. 31 are you?
LUCY: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
ANNA: I’m fine 32 . Lucy, this 33 my friend, Mary. She is 34 Italy.
LUCY: How 35 you do?
31. _____ 32. _____ 33. _____ 34. _____ 35. _____

B. MOTHER: What’s the 36 , Betty?
BETTY: I’m tired.
MOTHER: You’ better (最好) have a rest. Would you like a 37 of water?
BETTY: No, Mom. Please 38 me a book.
MOTHER: 39 one? The one on the shelf?
BETTY: No. The one 40 the table.
36. _____ 37. _____ 38. _____ 39. _____ 40. _____

V. 根据句子的含义,填入正确的单词,单词的第一个字母已给出。(10%)

41. What is his j_____? He is an engineer.
42. Is this glass full? No, It’s e_____.
43. G_____ me a book please. Here you are.
44. Be careful(小心)! It’s a s_____ knife.
45. W_____ is your car? The red one.
46. We’re tired and t_____. Look! There’s an ice cream man.
47. This is Miss Dupont. Nice to m_____ you.
48. We come from China. We are C_____.
49. What n_____ are you? I’m French.
50. My n_____ is Xiaohui. I’m a new student.

VI. 判断正误,在正确的句子后写T;在错误的句子后写F,并改正。(20%)

51. Give me a ice cream, please. ( )
52. Are his shoes dirty and clean? ( )
53. Who is the children? ( )
54. Are you all right now? ( )
55. There’s a postman. ( )
56. These cup are clean. ( )
57. He is our teacher. ( )
58. What is the matters, girls? ( )
59. My mother is a nurse. He’s very busy. ( )
60. The door is open. ( )

VII. 连词成句。(10%)

61. he, fat, thin, or, is
size=3>62. please, me, glass, water, of, a, give
63. busy, are, they, not, very, today
64. is, father, tired, their
65. television, a, is, there, the, on, desk


66. There are three books on the stereo.
67. Is the box large or small?
68. —Is this Mary’s coat?
—No, it’s not. Her coat is grey.
69. That is my pencil. Give me my pencil please.
70. What’s the matter, Tom?
71. 请给我两个冰淇淋。
72. 桌上的那个盒子是谁的?
73. 那个玻璃杯是空的吗?
74. 你现在好些了吗?
75. 课桌上有支钢笔。

I. 1~5 [B] [C] [B] [A] [D] 6~10 [D] [D] [D] [D] [C]
II. 11~15 103; 110; 406; 911; 532 16~20 208; 312; 621; 784; 897
III. 21~26 [B] [A] [C] [D] [A] 27~30 [C] [B] [B] [D] [B]
IV. 31. How 32. too 33. is 34. from 35. do
36. matter 37. glass 38. give 39. Which 40. on
V. 41. job 42. empty 43. Give 44. sharp 45. Which 46. thirsty 47. meet 48. Chinese 49. nationality 50. name

VI. 51. (F)Give me an ice cream, please.
52. (F)Are his shoes dirty or clean?
53. (F)Who is the child? / Who are the children?
54. (T)
55. (T)
56. (F)These cups are clean.
57. (T)
58. (F)What is the matter, girls?
59. (F)My mother is a nurse. She’s very busy.
60. (T)

VII. 61. Is he fat or thin? / Is he thin or fat?
62. Give me a glass of water please.
63. They are not very busy today.
64. Their father is tired.
65. There is a television on the desk.

66. 音响上有三本书。
67. 这个盒子是大的还是小的?
68. —这是玛丽的外套吗?
69. 那是我的铅笔。请把我的铅笔给我。
70. 怎么了,汤姆?
71. Give me two ice creams please.
72. Whose is the box on the table?
73. Is that glass empty?
74. Are you all right now?
75. There is a pen on the desk.