
1.lose weight
2.get away with
3.tell a lie
4.earn one's living
5.in debt
6. cut down
7.before long
8.put on weight

1.I want to lose weight.我想要减肥。
2.He could not have she getting away with telling people lies.他不能让她哄骗人们后不受惩罚。
3.He has told a lies.他说了谎话。
4.He earns his living by singing.他靠唱歌谋生。
5.He did not look forward to being in debt.他不希望负上债务。
6.They cut down the daily expense.他们削减日常开支。
7.He became a singer before long.不久之后,他成为了一位歌星。
8.You should put on your weight,you are too weak.你太瘦了,你应该增加体重。