

1. 证明:To prove something means to demonstrate that it is true or establish its validity through evidence or logic.
2. 证实:When evidence or events later show that something is true, it can be said to have been proven.
3. 展现/展示/显示:Proving can also mean displaying or showing evidence of a particular quality or capability, such as intelligence or talent.
4. 发酵:In cooking, proving refers to the process of allowing dough to rise by fermenting.
5. 检验/认证:Proving can involve the act of testing or certifying the validity of a will or the accuracy of an assertion.
6. 钻探/勘探:In the context of mining or geology, prove can refer to the process of drilling or exploring to assess the presence of valuable resources.
7. 短语搭配:
- Prove yourself: This phrase is used when someone is encouraged to demonstrate their abilities or worth.
- Prove true: This phrase is used to indicate that something has turned out to be correct or accurate.
- Results prove: This phrase is used to state that the outcomes or findings confirm or validate something.
- Prove oneself: This phrase is used to indicate that someone has shown their own worth or abilities.
8. 双语例句:
- They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. (他们希望这一新证据能证明她无罪。)
- The new economic policies could prove suicidal for the party. (新经济政策可能给该党带来灾难性的后果。)