into for with to of的用法,速求。谢谢


into prep. [表示动作的方向]进入, 到...中 go into a room 走进屋里 look into the box 朝箱子里头看 get into trouble 遇到麻烦 inquire into a matter 对某事进行调查 [表示时间]进入到 pass out of childhood into manhood 从童年进入壮年 work far [well] into the night 工作到深夜 look into the future 展望未来 [表示变化]成, 为; 转入 burst into tears 突然大哭起来 grow into a man 长大成人 turn water into ice 把水变成冰 translate French into English 把法语译成英语 talk black into white 指黑为白; 指鹿为马 [表示撞击] bump into a door 撞到 门上 run into a tree 碰到树上 [表示新从事的工作、活动等] enter into dictionary making 参加辞典编纂工作 go into business 从事商业 【数】除; [罕]乘 (a ÷b 读作 b intoa, a×b 读作a into b) 5 into 20 is 4. 五除二十等于四。4 into 5 is 20. 四乘五等于二十。 [方]使感兴趣; 卷入; 说服 bribe a man into secrecy 贿赂某人使保守秘密 You cannot talk her into marriage. 你不能说服她结婚。 They are into vegetarianism. 他们对素食很感兴趣。 习惯用语 be into [口]给迷住, 对...深感兴趣, 深深卷入 欠...的债(He was into us for several hundred dollars. 他欠了我们好几百块钱) “介词at、to表方向,攻击、位置、善、恶、分”。 介词at和to都可以表示方向; 用at表示方向时,侧重于攻击的目标,往往表示恶意;用to表示方向时,突出运动的位置或动作的对象,侧重表示善意。试比较下列各句: 1. A.She came at me. 她向我扑过来。 B.She came to me. 她向我走过来。 2.A.Jake ran at John. 几 杰克向约翰扑过去。 B.Jake ran to John. 杰克朝约翰跑去。 3.A. He rushed at the woman with a sword. 他拿着剑向那妇女扑过去。 B. He rushed to the woman with a sword. 他带着剑向那妇女跑过去。 4.A.He shouted at the old man. 他大声喝斥那老人。 B. He shouted to the old man. 他大声向那老人说 5.A.I heard her muttering at Xiao Li. 我听见她在抱怨小李。 B.I heard her muttering to Xiao Li. 我听见她在同小李低声说话。 6.A. She talked at you just now. 她刚才还说你坏话呢。 B.She talked to you just now. 她刚才还同你谈话呢. 7.A.She threw a bone at the dog. 她用一块骨头砸狗。 B.She threw a bone to the dog. 她把一块骨头扔给狗吃。 8.A.He presented a pistol at me. 他用手枪对着我。 B.He presented a pistol to me. 他赠送我一支手枪。 日子、日期、年月日,星期加上早午晚; 以下皆用on。 例: on Octorber the first 1949 1949年10月1日 on February the thirteenth l893 1893年2月13日 on May the first 5月1日 on the first 1号 on the sixteenth 16号 on the second of January 或 on January the second 1月2日 on a summer evening 在夏天的一个夜晚 on Boxing Day 在节礼日(圣诞节次日) on New Year's Day 在元旦 on my birthday 在我的生日 但 in the Christmas holidays在圣诞节假期; in the eighteenth century 在十八世纪; in ancient times 在古代; in earlier times 在早期; in modern times 在现代,则用in,the present time 现在,at the present day当今则用at。 on May Day 在“五一”节 on winter day 在冬天 on Decenber 12th 1950 l950年12月12日 on Sunday 在星期天 on Monday 在星期一 on Tuesday morning 星期二早晨 on Saturday afternoon 星期六下午 on Friday evening 星期五晚上 但last night 昨夜;in the evening 在晚上; on time准时,in time及时,等则不同。 年月日,加早午晚,of之前on代in 例: on the morning of 18th 18日早晨 on the evening of 4th 4日晚上 On the eve of their departure they gave a farewell banquet and their head gave a garewell speech. 他们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,他们的团长发表了告别讲话。 收音、农场,值日on 例:Did your supervisor like the story over (or on) the radio last night? 您的导师喜欢昨天从收音机里听到的故事吗? I heard the news over (or on) the radio. 我从收音机里听到了这一条消息。 taIk over the radio 由无线电播音 on TV 从电视里...... hear something on the wireless 在无线电里听到 My brother works on an Army reclamation farm. 我哥哥在一个军垦农场工作。 The students are working on a school farm. 学生们正在校办农场劳动。 This is a farmer's house on a farm. 这是农场的农舍。 Who is on duty, tody? 今天谁值日? We go on duty at 8 a.m. 我们上午8点钟上班。 关于、基础、靠、著论 例: This afternoon we are going to listen to a report on the international situation. 今天下午我们要听关于国际形势的报告。 Professor Shen will give us a talk on travelling in America. 申教授将给我们做关于美国之行的报告。 You are wrong on all these issues. 在这些问题上你的看法都错了。 The belief is based on practical experience. 这种信念是以实际经验为基础的。 Theory must be based on practice. 理论必须以实践为基础。 The people in the south live on rice. 南方人主食大米。(靠) The citizens live on their salaries. 城市人靠薪金生活。 You can't afford luxuries, on an income of 100 yuan a month. 靠月薪100元的收入,你是买不起奢侈品的。 Her pet dogs were fed on the choicest food. 她用精饲料喂养她心爱的狗。 He is just a scrounger, who lives on other people. 他正是一个小偷,专靠损害别人过日子。 Keep the kettle on the boil (=boiling). 让水壶的水一直开着。 The enemy are on the run (=running). 敌人在逃跑。 on后接the加上一个作名词的动词.其意义与现在分词所表达的相近。类似例子很多如: on the march在行军中,on the mend 在好转中,on the prowl徘徊,on the move活动中,on the scrounge巧取豪夺(埋语),on the go活跃,忙碌,on the lookout注意, 警戒,on the watch监视着。on the hop趁不备抓住某人等等。 on the People's Democratic Dictatorship < <实践论 > >和 < <矛盾论 > > on the People's Democratic Dictatorship < <论人民民主专政 > > "on Coalition Government" < <论联合政府 > > 着、罢、出售、偷、公、假,故意、支付,相反、准 注:口诀中的“着”是指着火,罢指罢工,偷指偷偷地,公指出差、办公事;假指休假,准指准时。 例:The house next to mine was on fire. 我邻居的房子着火了。 The workers of the railway station were on strike. 铁路工人罢工了。 Grapes and big water melons from Sinkiang are on sale on a large sale. 新疆葡萄和西瓜大量上市了。 do something on the sly (quiet). 秘密地(暗地里,偷偷地)做某事。 I've come here on business. 我是有公事来的。 They went to Bern on a mission. 他们到伯尔尼去执行一项使命。 They has been away on a long trip. 他们出去做一次长途旅行。 I'll go home on leave next month. 下月我将休假回家。 I went on business to Shanghai. I did not take leave. 我是公出去上海的,不是不告面别。 She came to see you on purpose. 她是专程来看你的。 He came here on purpose to discuss it with you. 他到这来是要与你讨论这件事的。 This lunch is on me. "No. let's go Dutch." “这顿午饭我付钱。” “不,还是各付各的。” On the contrary, it was very easy to understand. 相反,这事儿很容易理解。 P1ease come on time. (on schedule). 请准时来。 注:in time是“及时”的意思。 The train arrived on schedule. 火车准时到达。 特定时间和“一……就”,左右on后动名词 例:Gases expand on heating and contract on cooling. 气体加热时膨胀,冷却时收缩。(特定时间) On entering the room, he found his friends dancing in high spirits. 一进屋,他就发现他的朋友们在愉快地跳舞。 On reaching the city he called up Lao Yang. 一到城里他就给老杨打了一个电话。 I'll write to him on hearing from you. 我接到你的来信就给他写信。(一……就) 以及on the left, right向左向右,on the stair在台阶上等。 步行、驴、马、玩笑on,cab,carriage用in 例:On foot步行; on horse骑马; on donkey 骑驴。 He rode on, blood flowing from his side. 他骑着马,鲜血从腰部流下来。 The soldier of the Eighth Route Army rode 100 li on a horse a day in order to catch up with his unit. 为赶上部队,那位八路军战士骑马日行百里。 Go on horse back! 骑马去! You are having me on! 你和我开玩笑呢! in cab和in carriage 不能用on或by cab或carrige。 at山脚、门口在当前,速、温、日落价核心 即在山脚下、在门口、在目前,速度、以……速率、温度、在日落时、在……核心要用at。 例:At the foot of the mountain, there are thirty of our comrades. 在山脚下,有我们30个同志。 There is a beautiful lake at the foot of the hill. 山脚下有一个美丽的湖。 At the gate of the house there are many children playing glassball. 门口有一大群孩子在玩玻璃球。 Who's standing there at the door? 谁站在门口? I don't need the dictionary at present. 我现在还不需要这本词典。 He is at present in Washington. 他目前正在华盛顿。 The train runs at fifty kilometres an hour. 火车每小时行驶50公里。 we built the plant at top speed and minimun cost. 我们以最低的投资,最高的速度修建了该工厂。 at home 在国内,在家里 at ten degrees centigrade 在摄氏10度 at minus ten degrees centigrade 摄氏零下10度 Water freezes at 0°centigrade. 水在镊氏零度结冰。 Water usually boils at 100°. 水通常在摄氏loo度沸赐。 at zero 在零度 at the rate of 45 miles an hour at full speed 全速 at a good price 高价 at a low cost 低成本 at a great cost 花了很大代价 at that time 在当时 Evaporation takes place at all tempertures. 蒸发在任何温度下都能发生。 at 1000RPM (revolution per minute) 每分钟1000转 at a high speed 高速 The soldiers launched an attack upon the enemy at sunset. 战士们在日落时对敌人发起了攻击。 at daybreak 日出时 The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party. 领导我们事业的核心力量是中国共产党。 The atom has a nucleus at its core. 在原子的中心有一个原于核。