
我一直以为,明星都是很骄傲的。接受采访时,大方的入坐,圆滑的回答,完美的外表。一切都那么的无懈可击。但Rob却不一样,即使已经身为国际巨星,你依然真诚。有时会不自觉的搓弄脖子、眉毛。依然会像别人道歉,为了一件小事。但是你又不够自信,总是说自己什么也没做。其实你已经做了很多了,有几个明星会像你一样?还有着单纯的梦想,"有一个家,养一只狗,没有物质上的需求,甚至不出门" 。


I am very glad to write this letter 【to】you. First, I would like to introduce myself.I am a girl from China. My name is Herty zhen.This is the first time for me to write you 【a】 letter.
I'm one of your 【biggest】 fans.I adore your performance in the twilight,which is quite natural.There are a number【of】 fans of yours【in my class】 ,who are urged by myself.

The moment I saw the twilight several months ago,I fell in love with it. It 【was all over】 me. Edward's evil and Bella innocence,together, held my attention,【which haunted me for a long time】. Edward and Bella's love moved me deeply.Though it was not the reality, 【but I'd rather not got out of that beautiful dream.】(I'd rather +过去式,这是虚拟语态)

I was attracted the instant I saw you in the movie twilight.Because of the role you played,but what's more,it was you,Robert,the one Robert.


In fact the glimpse at you on the poster,it reminded me that the affectionate vampire was indeed【 Cedric 】in the movie Harry Potter.Your perfect performance 【got my heartbeat racing】rt,making me feel as if 【the character】 was 【real】. I witnessed Cedric seems to come out from the book onto the screen.When he fell to the ground, I【bursted into tears】.It is the fate to take good person away too early,leaving us in a 【speechless stun】.

I always think that star is very proud.【 Like those being in an interview, sitting down at the table with a smooth manner and every perfectly prepared answer.】 Just invulnerable. 【Big star as you are】, you still 【keeps your sincerity】. You'll still rub your neck or your eyebrow unconsciously,【still apologize to others for the littlest things】.You seem to be not so confident, always saying you are not doing great jobs. In,fact, you 've done a lot.Is there any star like you with such a simple dream?A house with a dog,no material needs,hardly going out.

I admit that I love you because of your perfect performance in the movie and outstanding appearance.However,knowing you 【little by little】,I find you are in fact not as confident in your life as you are in the movie.When facing the fans accusing you,you were disturbed.Fortunately enough, you are no more 【depressed】.【It makes you who you are.】
I love you.(不写we啦,我们中国人习惯说“我们”,但这里不需要)【I can't find a reason not to love you.】I trust you,you can be better and better!By now,you've been famous,【a star shining brightly】/You shall do better in the future!So we must expect your future!You're the best in my mind!

第1个回答  2010-10-05
我一直以为,明星都是很骄傲的。接受采访时,大方的入坐,圆滑的回答,完美的外表。一切都那么的无懈可击。但Rob却不一样,即使已经身为国际巨星,你依然真诚。有时会不自觉的搓弄脖子、眉毛。依然会像别人道歉,为了一件小事。但是你又不够自信,总是说自己什么也没做。其实你已经做了很多了,有几个明星会像你一样?还有着单纯的梦想,"有一个家,养一只狗,没有物质上的需求,甚至不出门" 。
第2个回答  2010-10-05
Pleased to write to you,let me introduce myself to you first.I'm one of your best fans.I adore your performance inthe movie The City of ?(对不起我没看过这片子,下同),which is quite natural.There are a number fans of yours,who are urged by myself.
The moment I saw the movie several months ago,I fell in love with it.
It took control of me.Either the devil Edward or the pure ? held my attention,deeply in my mind,unable to get rid of.
The moment I saw you in the movie,I was attracted,because of the role you played,but what's more,it was you,Robert,the only Robert.
In fact the glimpse at you on the poster,it reminded me that the affectionate vampire was indeed ? in the movie Harry Potter.Your perfect performance beat my heart,makingme feel as if he was alive.When fell onto the ground,I bursted into tearsMaybe it is the fate to take good person away too early,leaving us with a unreasonable beauty.
I had always supposed that each star is proud,considering their good-mannered sit,free response,perfect appearance...everthing is perfect. However,Rob is an exception.He remains sincere though being an international star.You'll still rub your neck or your eyebrow unconsciously.you are neither very confident,thinking you had done nothing.Infact, you 've done a lot.Is there any star like you with such a simple dream?A house with a dog,no material needs,hardly going out.
I admit that I love you because of your perfect performance in the movie and outstanding appearance.However,knowing you gradually,I learnt you are in fact not as confident in your life as you are in the movie.When facing the fans accusing you,you were disturbed.Fortunately enough, you are no more than upset,keping your illustration,thus performing so well,thus becoming youself today!We love.I can't find a reason why I don't love you.I'll also trust you,you can be better and better!By now,you've been famous.You shall do better in the future!So we must expect your future!You're the best in my mind!