

1. Your knowledge about global warming, climate change, CO2 emissions. 你对全球

a lot 很多
fair 足够
none 没有

2. Impacts on reducing climate change (please rank the following) 减低气候变化的影响 (请排序)
Recycling 循环再用
Changes to car usage 改变车辆的使用
Cutting down on the use of electricity and gas at home 减少家居用电量和天然气使用
Taking fewer flights 少坐飞机
Improving or installing insulation at home 改良或安装家居的绝缘系统
Cutting down on water usage at home 减少家居用水

3. Access of recycling programs (You may tick more than one choice) 循环再用计划的接触 (可以多选)
Paper 纸张
Metal cans 金属罐
Glass bottles 玻璃瓶
Plastics 塑料
Special disposal programs 特殊处理程序

4.Use of recycling programs (You may tick more than one choice) 循环再用计划的使用 (可以多选)
Paper 纸张
Metal cans 金属罐
Glass bottles 玻璃瓶
Plastics 塑料
Special disposal programs 特殊处理程序

5.Use of disposable diapers 即弃尿布的使用
All of the time 任何时间
Most of the time 大部份时间
Sometimes 有时
Never 从来没有
Child(ren) not in diapers 没有使用尿布的小孩

6. Regularly purchase paper towels or toilet paper made from recycled paper

7. Regularly take their own bag when shopping 经常自备购物袋

8.Use a compost heap, compost container or composting service 使用堆肥,堆肥容器或堆肥服务

9.Use chemical pesticides 使用化学农药 (杀虫剂)

10.Use chemical fertilizers 使用化学肥料

11.Use Programmable thermostat 使用可编程温控器

12.Regularly lower indoor temperature in winter 冬天定期调低室内温度

13.Use energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs 使用节能灯泡

14.Have water saving, low-flow shower head 使用节水、低流量的淋浴头

15.Have water saving, low-flow toilet 使用节水,低流量厕所

16.Have filter or purifier for drinking water 使用饮用水过滤器或净人净化器

17.Purchase bottled water 购买瓶装水

18.Principal method of travel to work 主要返工的方法
Public transit 公共交通工具
Motor vehicle as driver 车辆 (作为司机)
Motor vehicle as passenger 车辆 (作为乘客)
Bicycle (自行车)
Walk only (步行)

19. Use recycle paper (use both sides) in your office 在你的办公室使用回收纸(使用双面)

20.Use recycle printer cartridge in your office 在你的办公室使用回收打印机墨盒
第1个回答  2010-09-30