

1  英语常用远代词that表明前面提到的东西,汉语中则用近代词。2  当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对内宾开放at the time, the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors .

3  她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。she is justifiably proud of her achievement.

4  重复建设比较严重,造成了一些浪费。There was much wasteful duplicate construction.5 这家小工厂经过技术改造,发展飞快,让人感到惊讶不已。The small factory underwent a technological innovation, thus developing with surprisingly speed .6 世界上矛盾多得很,大得很,一些深刻的矛盾刚刚暴露出来。There are so many complicated contradictions, and some deep-seated ones have just come to light.7 浦东新区的发展和进一步开放产生了积极的影响,推动了经济的发展。The development and further opening of the Pudong New Area has produced a positive influence on economic growth.8 农村改革中的好多东西,都是基层创造出来的。Many of the good ideas in rural reform came from people at the grassroots .9 在过去三年内,浦东新区完成了总投资额在150亿元以上的10项重大基础设施的建设。Over the past three years, 10 major infrastructure projects , involving a total investment of over 15 billion yuan, have been completed in the Pudong New Area .10 the program quickly outgrew this new space. 没过多久,新增房子的面积便不能满足她规划的需求了。

11 浅花叫了一声,沿着井沿跑去,她心里一冷,差一点没有栽到地上死过去。她想,竟来不及拉他一把,自己也跳到井里去吧。Qianhua scramed and ran to the well. In a moment of horror she almost fainted and fell. She thought that since she had failed to save him, she might as well jump in and make an end of herself.12 这些想法和做法,恐怕还是为了你个人吧(你确定这些想法不是出于个人意愿?)Are you sure your thoughts and wishes aren't determined by personal considerations?13 园里是人间的乐园,有的是吃不完的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be expended.14 因为我的姨妈和朱自治的姑妈是表姐妹,所以在抗战后期,在我的父亲谢世之后,(我和母亲)便搬进朱自治的住宅,住在前面的平房里。My maternal aunt and Zhu Zizhi's paternal aunt were cousins, so when my father died toward the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression,my mother and I moved into one of his rooms.15 我的东西,请你少费心Please don't concern yourself about my affairs16 不管是阿猫阿狗,拖了来当好主顾。Bring home Tom, Dick or Harry and claiming he is a real buyer.
