onilne shopping英语作文并带翻译


我的购物经历 My Shopping Experience


Once I was in Beijing, I went shopping in the Front Gate Walking Street, for I wanted to buy some souvenirs for my friends.


There were so many things on sale that I didn't know what to buy. Suddenly, I saw two statues which looked so beautiful. I decided to buy them. So I asked the price. It s twenty yuan each, said the boss. I tried to make a bargain with him. He refused at first, but when I was going to leave, he stopped me and said, OK, you can have both of them at ten yuan. Therefore, I bought both of them home at last.

卖有很多东西,我不知道要买什么了。突然,我看到两个雕像,看起来非常漂亮。我决定买它们。所以我问价格。 每个二十元, 老板说。我试图与他讲价。一开始的时候他拒绝了,但是当我要离开时,他拦住了我,说, 好吧,两个十元。因此,我最后买了两人回家。

I was very happy on that day, because it was the first time that I had made a bargain with a businessman so successfully.
