

1My fanorite singer
I admire Zhangjie.his English name is JASON.He was born on December twentieth 1982 in Sichuan.When he was a student,most of his classmates liked listening his songs
After he took part in the"Super Boy",most person know him,I also became his fan.his drsam is to give a big house to his parents.
He had four records.the new record is"The Day After Tomorrow"
He is my fanorite singer
他是以个从生下来就喜欢唱歌的人,但是他家境不好,他的心愿就是给爸妈买一套好房子,有这这一颗赤子之心的他,去试探着参加了快男,只听主持人说张杰无缘前三名时,张杰先是沉默,然后微笑地低下了头,主持人也说不下去了,与歌迷哭成一片,大家都不愿意让他离开,他却笑着跟大家道谢,说最感谢的就是娜娜然后沉默地离开了舞台…… 从此,在他的生命里,又出现了一个无比重要的人,就是谢娜,她帮了他好多,当时谢娜在主持界刚稳住脚,为了帮助张杰,她毅然不顾朋友的劝告,选择了帮助张杰,成为他的舞伴,可是由此,绯闻不断,娜娜顶着压力,继续帮助张杰,之后,他们的关系就又进了一步。我也是娜娜的粉丝,忠实的粉丝。(*^__^*)
Zhang jie, not what great person, but in my heart, he is not only my idol, and also my example, he is a natural singer, he is one of the rare mainland singer idol singer, concurrently strength has high KeBianXing voice conquered countless audience, many music outfielders speak highly of him.
He is a born like singing from the man, but his family is poor, his dream is to give parents buy a set of good house, with a single motherland-which deserves the, he tried to join the fast male, only listen to host said zhang jie's no top three, zhang jie's first silent, then smiles and bowed his head, host also say not bottom go to, with fans crying into one, everyone is not willing to let him leave, but he laughed with everyone say thank you, say the most thank is nala then silently leave the stage... From then on, in his life, there was a very important person, who is XieNa, she helped him a lot, at that time XieNa in hosting bound feet, in order to help just steady zhang jie, she resolutely disregard friend's advice, chose to help zhang jie, become his partner, but thus, rumors about, nana to withstand the pressure, continue to help zhang jie, after the relationship between them and then took one step. I also nana's fans, loyal fans. Zhang jie's always in the effort, now, game's most successful is him, his fans are most, we all see. Strength can prove everything, in these two short years, the top three there was little news, but zhang jie issued four albums, each sales are more than 100,000, opened two concerts, averaging was filled, and becomes the Beijing Olympic torch coded, he will be confident and power transfer to the whole world. Wenchuan after the earthquake struck, he toured the disaster relief, the first time the strong's power to everybody, he never forgot his hometown.
Zhang jie is still a very love his fans, in concert, in order to let no tickets "stars", he could hear them singing loudly and sing to your throat is sore, at the airport, waiting for a faithful fans, in in the winter waiting for half an hour, In 26 years old birthday, he said: "first I want to thank all friends support my fans, wish you health and hope parents safely, the last hope oneself can try harder, bring everybody better listen to songs." Zhang jie's always put the fans in the first place and put myself at last. He published album feat, there are a few words what impressed me special deep: "this road has had a lot of difficulties, still have a lot of difficulties, and these difficulties and frustrations, I think as I will tell, is must to face and bear. I was destined to be a singer to sing for a long time, I believe, I 60 to 80 years old when still can sing like this for you, I love you!" Zhang jie have enough reason to become my heart the best images, as he sang a song: the fly forward, again to tired also doesn't matter, after the night light have much beautiful... He will never stop, he would work to end. I, too, because he is not only my idol, is my study example. Zhang jie is a true singer, he is born singer, stage of myth. He -- only zhang jie!