

101 one hundred and first

102 one hundred and second

103 one hundred and third 

104 one hundred and fourth 

105 one hundred and fifth 

106 one hundred and sixth

107 one hundred and seventh

108 one hundred and eighth

109 one hundred and ninth

110 one hundred and tenth

111 one hundred and eleventh

112 one hundred and twelfth

113 one hundred and thirteenth

114 one hundred and seventh

115 one hundred and fifteenth

116 one hundred and sixteenth

117 one hundred and seventeenth

118 one hundred and eighteenth

119 one hundred and nineteenth

120 one hundred and twentieth


序数词是数词的一种,主要在英语语法中讲到,在汉语中表示为“第几”。此外,在生日中,描述你出生的日期时,也会用到序数词。比如:May-first (5月1日)。










one hundred and twenty-first 第一百二十一

one thousand three hundred and twentieth 第一千三百二十

two hundred and fifty-second 第二百五十二


第1个回答  2019-07-01

101 one hundred and first

102 one hundred and second

103 one hundred and third 

104 one hundred and fourth 

105 one hundred and fifth 

106 one hundred and sixth

107 one hundred and seventh

108 one hundred and eighth

109 one hundred and ninth

110 one hundred and tenth

111 one hundred and eleventh

112 one hundred and twelfth

113 one hundred and thirteenth

114 one hundred and seventh

115 one hundred and fifteenth

116 one hundred and sixteenth

117 one hundred and seventeenth

118 one hundred and eighteenth

119 one hundred and nineteenth

120 one hundred and twentieth


序数词是数词的一种,主要在英语语法中讲到,在汉语中表示为“第几”。此外,在生日中,描述你出生的日期时,也会用到序数词。比如:May-first (5月1日)。



one hundred and twenty-first 第一百二十一

one thousand three hundred and twentieth 第一千三百二十

two hundred and fifty-second 第二百五十二


第2个回答  推荐于2017-09-10
101 one hundred and first
102 one hundred and second
103 one hundred and third
104 one hundred and fourth
105 one hundred and fifth
106 one hundred and sixth
107 one hundred and seventh
108 one hundred and eighth
109 one hundred and ninth
110 one hundred and tenth
111 one hundred and eleventh
112 one hundred and twelfth
113 one hundred and thirteenth
114 one hundred and seventh
115 one hundred and fifteenth
116 one hundred and sixteenth
117 one hundred and seventeenth
118 one hundred and eighteenth
119 one hundred and nineteenth
120 one hundred and twentieth

序数词是数词的一种,主要在英语语法中讲到,序数词是指表示顺序的数词,在汉语中表示为“第几”。此外,在生日中,描述某人的出生日期时,也用到了序数词。比如:May first (5月1日)。

第3个回答  2015-04-21
101 one hundred and first
102 one hundred and second
103 one hundred and third
104 one hundred and fourth
105 one hundred and fifth
106 one hundred and sixth
107 one hundred and seventh
108 one hundred and eighth
109 one hundred and ninth
110 one hundred and tenth
111 one hundred and eleventh
112 one hundred and twelfth
113 one hundred and thirteenth
114 one hundred and seventh
115 one hundred and fifteenth
116 one hundred and sixteenth
117 one hundred and seventeenth
118 one hundred and eighteenth
119 one hundred and nineteenth
120 one hundred and twentieth

第4个回答  2022-03-24
101.one hundred and first
102.one hundred and second
103.one hundred and third
104.one hundred and fourth
105.one hundred and fifth
106.one hundred and sixth
107.one hundred and seventh
108.one hundred and eighth
109.one hundred and ninth
110.one hundred and tenth
111.one hundred and eleventh
112.one hundred and twelfth
113.one hundred and thirdteenth
114.one hundred and fourteenth
115.one hundred and fifteenth
116.one hundred and sixteenth
117.one hundred and seventeenth
118.one hundred and eighteenth
119.one hundred and nineteenth
120.one hundred and twentieth