根据下面所给信息,给China Daily写一篇英语报道,介绍此次活动,并说说你的看法。为了响应政府建设美丽

根据下面所给信息,给China Daily写一篇英语报道,介绍此次活动,并说说你的看法。为了响应政府建设美丽城市的号召,提高人们的环保意识,我校团委在11月23日下午组织了一次“保持环境洁净,共建美好家园”活动。所有学生认真、彻底打扫了教室、办公室和宿舍,校园干净有序;高一学生走上街头捡拾废纸、塑料袋、饮料瓶等废物,并分类送往回收中心;高二年级学生帮助清除花园杂草、树立警示牌提醒人们保护花草树木、不要践踏草坪;高三年级学生志愿者在公共场所向人们分发环保传单,呼吁人们保护环境,爱护资源,为建设和谐社会做出贡献。1. 参考词汇:杂草weeds 警示牌signs 分类sort out 宣传单leaflets2. 词数150左右,内容要连贯,可以适当发挥。

In order to raise our awareness of environmental protection and make our city more beautiful, our school Youth League committee organized an activity on the afternoon of November 23 rd . All the students took an active part in it. We first gave the whole school a thorough cleaning, including all the classrooms, teachers’ offices and bedrooms, making the campus cleaner and orderly. Senior One students went to the streets and collected waste paper, plastic bags, drinking bottles or cans and so on. Then those waste things were sorted out and sent to the recycling center. Senior Two students helped remove weeds in the school gardens and put up signs, reminding us to protect the flowers and trees and keep off the grass. Besides, in public places, Senior Three volunteers handed out leaflets to the passers-by and called on people to protect the surroundings and make full use of natural resources . In this way ,we can make great contributions to building the harmonious society.
As far as I’m concerned, I think the environment is very important to us, so we should do our bits to protect it and keep our surrounding clean and pleasant to live in. In our daily life, we’d better form the good habit of not littering to make our school, our city more beautiful.
