

about 大约在……时间�about five o'clock 在周围,大约多远�about five kilometres 关于、涉及�talk about you
above 高出某一平面� above sea level
across 横过 walk across the street对面 across the street
after 在……之后�after supper 跟……后面�one after another 追赶 run after you
against 背靠逆风�against the wall, against the wind 反对�be against you
among 三者以上的中间�among the trees
at 在某时刻�at ten 在小地点�at the school gate 表示速度�at high speed 向着,对着�at me
before 在……之前�before lunch 位于……之前�sit before me
behind 位于……之后�behind the tree
below 低于……水平�below zero 不合格�below the standard
by 到……时刻,在……时刻之前�by five o'clock 紧挨着�site by site 乘坐交通工具�by air, by bick 被由�was made by us
during 在……期间during the holidays
for 延续多长时间�for five years 向……去�leave for Shanghai 为了,对于 be good for you
from 从某时到……某时�from morning till night 来自何方�from New York 由某原料制成be made from 来自何处�where are you from
in 在年、月、周较长时间内�in a week 在里面�in the room 用某种语言�in English 穿着 in red
into 进入……里面�walk into 除 分�divide into 变动�turn into water
near 接近某时�near five years 在……附近�near the park
of 用某种原料制成�be made of 属于……性质�a map of U. S .A
on 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在……上面�on the desk 靠吃……为生live on rice 关于�a book on Physics
over 渡过一整段时间�work over night 在上方 over the desk 超过, 高于�over five pairs
past 超过某一时刻�ten past five 经过某地�walk past the park
since 从某时以来�since 1980
through 经过某一时期�through his life 通过、穿过某地�through the forest
till�until 直到某时为止�till five o'clock
to 差多少时间�five to ten 问,到,去往�to Shanghai 面对面�face to face 给予give a book to me
under 在……下面�under the desk 少于�under ten 在……管制之 下 under the rule
with 用某种工具�with a pen 带着,具有 with me
without 没有�without air
第1个回答  2007-01-24