

1.麦积山景区(Maiji Mountain Scenic Spot)
1.1麦积山石窟:Maiji Mountain Grottoes
1.2石窟3D漫游Rock cave 3D roaming
1.3植物园Botanical garden
1.4瑞应寺 ruiying temple
1.5罗汉崖Arhat cliff
1.6香积山xiangji mountain
1.7蛟龙寺jiaolong temple
2.仙人崖景区 Immortal cliff scenic spot
2.1仙人崖Immortal cliff
2.2仙人湖Immortal lake
2.3石莲谷shilian Valley
2.4净土寺Pure land temple或jingtu temple
2.5观景台Looking at the scenery platform
2.6十八罗汉朝观音 18 Arhat Face Kwan-yin
3.石门景区 shimen scenic spot
3.1北峰the north Mountain
3.2南峰 the south Mountain
3.3聚仙桥juxian Bridge
3.4五阳观wuyang Daoist temple
3.5映月湖yingyue lake
3.6牧马滩Herd horse Beach
3.7秦汉古墓群qin and han Dynasty Ancient grave group
3.8千佛洞qianfo Cavern
3.9长江黄河分水岭the Watershed of changjiang river and huanghe river
4.街亭温泉景区jieting Hot spring scenic spot
4.1杜甫草堂dufu Grass house
4.2崇福寺chongfu temple
4.3神龙峡shenlong temple
4.4温泉峡Hot spring Canyon
5.曲溪景区quxi scenic spot
5.1曲水Wine-cup floating
5.2小桥 little Bridge
5.4草滩grass land
5.5鱼娃娃口Fish baby mouth
5.6青龙山qinglong mountain
