

Long-necked Dough Figurines of Shenmu and Fugu Counties in Shaanbei.

Previously, the Shenmu and Fugu region was a vast and sparsely populated plateau with incised gullies, hill ridges and grass flat, a hardscrabble and bitterly cold land.However, the local people here are romantic in nature, very fond of drinking and singing. They live together with the undulating mountains and the meandering Yellow River, this has made their representation surpasses all the rigors of life, and hiding under their far-reaching facial expressions is a kind of unbridled creative zeal. After having gone through the various symbolic significances bestowed by the time and space here, the long-necked dough figurines are just like the souls of the local people, they are the almighty, variable deities and charms that come from universal nature and man.

从面人人身体的装饰上,我们可以看到人们对于土地的赞美,其上有花、有草、有飞鸟、有动物、有“红男”之彩亦有“绿女”之色,让这个人的身体上充满大地的无限生机。这里的人们一旦拥有这种人们认为具有神奇功效的语言,他们就会用它来建构安宁的家园或者布防与身体的内外。无论如何这种足有两三斤的面人, 最终是会落到孩子们手里的,这种情形在那些饥饿的年月里要胜过任何一种色香味美、造型别致的蛋糕!
We can detect praises of the land from the body ornaments of the dough figurines; the flowers, grasses, birds and animals, the colorful ‘red males’ as well as the ‘green females’, all these make the bodies of the figurines full of boundless vitality of the mother earth. Once the local people possess this kind of language which they consider having a magical effect, they will apply it to the construction of a serene homestead or the protection of their bodies internally and externally. In any event, these dough figurines which weigh about two to three pounds will be subsequently ended up in the hands of the children; during those starving years, this would be so much better than any type of aromatic, delicious and well-shaped cakes!

These sacred and heavy dough figurines offer not merely just a sumptuous meal to the children, but also a very far-reaching effect on their minds and bodies. This is just like nothing short of burying a mythical seedling inside the body of a child, during his growth in the days to come, any opportunity will trigger its magical sprouting. Moreover, after the dough figurines have been eaten up by the children, people consider it like a charm has been placed inside the body, the protection is from the inside out at all times, and the charm will become highly efficacious.

Procedures of making dough figurines

多地方都有捏制面人的传统习俗,这显然是农耕文化发展过程里呈现出的一种较为普遍的现象,在以面食为主的黄河流域尤为盛行。陕西、青海、甘肃、河南、宁夏、山西、山东、河北都有不同样式的面花。陕西叫面花,陕北及内蒙一带叫“寒燕燕”;山东叫“兔子”、“面老虎”;山西叫“寒人寒马”;河北人叫“面羊”、“面虎”。总之这团面捏成什么就叫什么,时日一长叫“寒燕燕”时,捏什么都叫“寒燕燕”。 陕北的绥德、米脂以及延安一带是不做面人的,因为面塑通常还是用来吃的,而将面人蒸着吃了的事在他们看来是不可思议的!人怎么可以吃人呢?
The kneading of dough figurines is a traditional custom of many places. Obviously, this is a common phenomenon that emerges from the development process of farming culture, it is especially popular in the Yellow River basin where the staple food is prepared with wheat flour. There are different types of 'wheaten flowers' in Provinces of Shaanxi, Qinghai, Gansu, Henan, Ningxia, Shanxi, Shandong and Hebei. It is called ‘mianhua’ in Shaanxi, and ‘hanyanyan’ in the regions of Shaanbei and Inner Mongolia, in Shandong it is called ‘rabbit’ and ‘wheaten tiger', in Shanxi the name is‘hanren hanma’ and the people in Hebei call it ‘wheaten lamb’ and ‘wheaten tiger’. All in all, whatever shape the dough is kneaded into, it is called as such; but when a name is called for a long period of time, such as ‘hanyanyan’, then all the kneaded dough will be called ‘hanyanyan’ irrespective of the actual shapes. However, there are no dough figurines around the regions of Suide, Mizhi and Yanan in Shaanbei; the reason is that dough modeling is meant to be eaten, so the people there feel that steaming and eating dough figurines is inconceivable! How can you eat human beings?

But the people in the areas of Shenmu and Fugu at the north-eastern part of Shaanbei are particular about it. As the kneading of dough figurines in these two regions are done in an acute hunger state, the people have a very eager feeling towards dough and dough figurines; other than wanting to eat this piece of dough, they also feel that dough is more alluring than mud. Ever since the Providence has spared no more rice and wheat freely on earth, the difficulty of getting wheat flour in the freezing weather of Shaanbei is impossible for people in other areas to understand. So the kneading of dough figurines here is never like the lyrical style of a birthday cake, but rather a narrating process of an amazing language.

第1个回答  2010-10-08

第2个回答  2010-10-08
Long-necked dough figures in ShenMu and FuGu,ShaanBei.
In Shen Mu and FuGu,there were rare people and there were gullies,highlands,hills and low-lying lands everywhere,where it was poor and difficult to live. However, people living there were romantic,and they liked drinking and singing.They lived on the up and down mountains and turbulent Yellow River,so hard living didn’t limited their expression.There was endless passion for creation inside their hearts.Long-necked dough figures were given lots of symbolic meanings throng time and space in here.In fact they were all-powerful,variable gods and charms like souls.They were from nature and human being.We can see that people praise earth through decoration of dough figures.On dough figures,we can see flowers,grass,birds ,and handsome boys and beautiful girls.That makes dough figures lively and lovely.
When people in here had the ability to creat dough figures ,they used them to build peaceful homeland decorated themselves.In the end, the two or three kilograms dough figures went to the children.The heavy,sacred dough figures didn’t only bring children a delicious meal ,but also influenced their hearts and bodies deeper.It was like magical seeds was grown inside children’s hearts.As children grow , a ransom opportunity may make the seed sprout.Moreover,in people’s eyes,when children ate the dough figures ,the charms went to their bodies.and the charm would protect them wherever thet were and whenever it was.
Produces of making dough figures.
There is a tradition of making dough figutrs in many places.Aparently,it is a common phenomenon during the development of farming culture ,it is popular in Yellow River area,where people live on cooked whiten food.There arevarious dough figures in Shaan Xi,QingHai,GanSu,HeNan,NingXia,ShanXi,ShanDong
,HeBei and so on.Dough figures are called “Mian Hua” in Shaan Xi .”Han Yan Yan” in Shaan Bei and Inner Mongolia.”Rabbit” or “Dough Tiger”in ShanDong,”Han Ren Han Ma” in ShanXi,”Dough Sheep”or”Dough Tiger” in HEBei.Anyway, people call the dough whatever they make the dough ,but after people call the dough figures “Han YanYan” in a long time,whatever they make the dough,they call them”Han Yan Yan”
In ShuiYuan and MiZhi, Shaan Xi, people don’t make dough figures,because dough figures are usually used as food, but it is unimaginable for people there to steam the dough figures and eat.They Asked,”How do people can eat people?”.However,people in ShenMu and GuFu has opposite tradition .
In Shen Mu and FuGu,people made dough figures in a poor age.People longed for flour and dough figures.They made dough figures not only to eat them,but also think dough figures were more impressable than mud figures.After God didn’t set up rice mountains and flour mountains and didn’t rain rice and flour without reasons,it was not easy to get them in cold Shaan Xi.It was hard to feel the diffulty in any other places.So Making dough figures is never a method of expressing feelings like making birthday cakes in here.It is a maverlous process of narration.
第3个回答  2010-10-08
Fugu and Shenmu in the vicinity of the gully past the plateau is sparsely populated, hilly marsh cross beam of the land, the bitter cold of poverty and hard place, but the people here is romantic by nature, very like drinking and singing.Together with the rolling mountains, and dancing with the survival of the Yellow River, the expression of them can not stop the hard life, far-reaching in their dough dough hidden under the package to create an uncontrollable passion.Long neck and dough people in the experience of time and space here given the many symbolic process, in fact, as will as their souls, God is omnipotent and changing and stuff, they come from the world of nature and people.Everyone from the dough decoration of the body, we can see people's praise for the land, on which there are flowers, grass, birds, animals, the "red men" of color there, "Green Women" of color, so that The human body is full of earth, the infinite vitality. Once people here have this one that has the magic of language, they will use it to build a peaceful home or deployed inside and outside the body.In any case, two pounds for such a dough full of people, will eventually fall into the hands of children, this situation of hunger in the years to those who more than any kind of color, flavor and beauty, chic style of the cake!The sacred dough heavy children who bring more than just a meal, its soul and body of the child is very profound, this amounts to a myth of the seeds will be buried the body of a child in growth in the future, will touch any of the opportunities they have magical germination.And that seems to dough in people who are the children eat, just like the picture into the spells, like their body, after and protect from the inside out, is all the time, it will This spell has become very effective.
Production steps:
Noodle people are pinching many places, traditional practices, which is obviously in the development of farming culture presents a more general phenomenon, the pasta is especially popular in the Yellow River Basin.Shaanxi, Qinghai, Gansu, Henan, Ningxia, Shanxi, Shandong, Hebei has a different style of dough flowers.Shaanxi is called dough flowers, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia area called the "cold Swallow"; Shandong called "Rabbit", "dough the tiger"; Shanxi called "cold man cold horse"; Hebei were called "dough sheep", "dough the tiger."In short what this dough molded into what is called, a long time called "cold Yan Yan", the pinched what are called "cold Yan Yan."
Suide northern Shaanxi, Yan'an Mizhi and dough area is people do not do as figurines or to eat normally, but will eat steamed flour thing in their view is incredible!How can people eat people? But the area is located in the northeast corner of Northern Shenmu and Fugu, but there is a different stress.
Shenmu and Fugu dough two days of almost complete state of hunger.People for the dough and the dough of a person's feelings is very urgent, they dough not just to eat this, but they feel even more tempted dough than clay.Since God is no longer located in the rice field of human reason, after following the rice, flour in the cold northern Shaanxi, is hard-won elsewhere can not understand.So dough here is never a birthday cake-style lyrical way, but a wonderful description of the language process.