怎样区别Do you think 作为插入语和宾语从句


区别一:Do you think 放在句子中的位置不一样,做宾语从句时放句首,做插入语时放疑问词后面,不放句首。


1.Do you think you can climb that steep cliff?  你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗?(宾语从句)

2.What do you think will happen next? 你认为接下来会发生什么?(插入语)

区别二:Do you think 后跟宾语从句时,that 引导的句子可省略that,做插入语时不能省略疑问词。


1.Do you think this hat and your coat go together?  你认为这顶帽子和你的衣服协调吗?(宾语从句)

2.How do you think that war broke out?  你认为那场战争是怎样爆发的?(插入语)

区别三:do you think 作插入语,可以省去,不影响句子意思,只需要调整句子的语序而已。做宾语从句时不可以省略。


1.Who do you think will win the first prize?  你认为谁会获得一等奖?(去掉do you think,意思不变)

2.Do you think a cure will be found for cancer?  你觉得能找到治疗癌症的方法吗?(不可以省略)

第1个回答  2017-10-16

简单来说,do you think放在疑问词或者短语之后,是作为插入语的。
eg. What do you think you can do?  你认为你能做什么?

当do you think 后面接句子,则是宾语从句。
eg.  Do you think he will always love you ? 你认为他会一直爱你吗?

    如果在疑问句中,do you think紧跟在疑问词/短语之后,且其后的成分采用了陈述句序的话,此时它就是插入语.
    例:What do you think you can do?你认为自己能做什么?其中,What为疑问词,而you can do为陈述句序.
    2.如果do you think在从句中使用时,则必须改成you think.
    例:I‘d like to talk with the boy who (you think) is the cleverest student in your class.
    例:Do you think he is a student?其中he is a student是宾语从句do you think 这种用法严格来说其实不能叫做插入语的 第一种用法do you think用于混合疑问句中。混合疑问句指特殊疑问句+一般疑问句 do you think就相当于一个一般疑问句,所以后面是必须要用陈述语序的

例: What do you think the ocean bottom is made up of?    Which way do you imagine he went?   有时这个题其实很有争议的,看你更倾向于哪种解释了
