


1、She was born deaf and dumb.她天生又聋又哑。

2、She's a born leader.她是个天生的领袖。

3、She was born in April.她是四月出生的。

4、In due course the baby was born.婴儿如期降生了。

5、Some people are born lucky,aren't they?一些人天生好运不断,不是吗?

6、l was born and raised a city boy.我是个在都市里出生长大的男孩子。

7、He was born and bred in Boston.他生于波士顿,长于波士顿。

8、She was born deaf.她天生耳聋。

9、She was born into a very musical family.她生于音乐之家。

10、Jack was a born teacher.杰克是个天生的教师。

11、He's a born loser.他生来就是个失败者。

12、Some people are born brainy.有些人生来就聪明。

13、He was born in the spring of 1944.他生于1944年春。

14、He was born to be a great composer.他是个天生的伟大作曲家。

15、She was born with a weak heart.她生来就有一个衰弱的心脏。
