

    lose at(v.+prep.)
    在…(比赛)中失败 fail to win at (game)
    ▲lose at sth
    I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.我不走运,打牌总输。
    How much money did you lose at the races?赛马会上你输了多少钱?

    lose by(v.+prep.)
    因…蒙受损失;因…失去 suffer a disadvantage from sth or doing sth
    〔说明〕 lose by通常不用于否定句或疑问句,也不用于进行体。
    ▲lose by sth
    Put your money into our savings plan, and you can't lose by it.按我们的储蓄计划把钱存起来,你就不会蒙受什么损失。
    ▲lose sth by sth
    The government may lose seats by the reorganization of voting areas.政府可能会因为调整选区而失去席位。

    lose in(v.+prep.)
    1.使迷失或丢失于 fail to know where sth/sb is
    〔说明〕 lose in通常不用于进行体。
    ▲lose sth/oneself in sth
    We lost ourselves in the dark.我们在黑暗中迷路。
    One loses oneself easily in such a big city.在这样的大城市里很容易迷路。
    My little daughter lost herself in the department store yesterday.昨天,我的小女儿在百货商场里迷了路。
    I've lost my ring in the garden.我把戒指丢在花园里了。
    ◇ 用于be ~ed结构
    I always get lost in a strange city.到陌生城市我常常迷路。
    2.使忙于,埋头于(某事) be busy oneself with sth
    ▲lose oneself in sth
    I can always lose myself in a good book.一本好书会使我爱不释手。
    ◇ 用于be ~ed结构
    Mary was lost in the details of a new sewing pattern.玛丽埋头研究一个新的剪裁花样。
    3.因…受损,逊色 become less or worse because of or during sth
    〔说明〕 lose in作此解时通常不用于被动结构,也不用于进行体。
    ▲lose in sth
    The effect of the story loses in translation.这个故事一经翻译便失去了原来的效果。
    4.(指某种声音)被(其他声音)淹没,吞没 be drowned by (other sounds)
    ▲lose sth in sth
    ◇ 用于be ~ed结构
    The chairman's remarks were lost in the public's shouts of disapproval.主席讲的话被淹没在一片反对的呼声中。

    lose on(v.+prep.)
    吃亏 have less money than when one started
    ▲lose on sth
    We lost on that job.我们在那件事上吃亏了。

    lose out(v.+adv.)
    损失;失败 suffer a loss or defeat
    ▲lose out
    We lost out in the election simply because the opposition had more money to run their campaign.我们在这次大选中被击败了,这完全是因为反对党有更多的钱进行竞选活动。
    You often lose out when you bet on horse races.你在赛马打赌时,常常输掉。

    lose to(v.+prep.)
    失去,败给,没有 displace to, fail to
    ▲lose to sb
    England lost to Australia.英国队输给了澳大利亚队。
    ▲lose sb/sth/oneself to sb
    He lost himself to her.他完全听她的。
    She seems to have lost her heart to you.她似乎已爱上了你。
    She lost her heart to the man with the broad shoulders and deep voice.她爱上了那位宽肩且声音浑厚的男子。
    ◇ 用于be ~ed结构
    Now his daughter was lost to him for ever.现在他永远失去了他的女儿。
    The opportunity was lost to him.他失去了那个机会。

第1个回答  2013-10-16
短语:lose money
造句:I lose patient for your performance. 我对你的表现失去了耐心。