


  例如:1、I did not see Mary / at the party .
  2、Changjiang is the longest river / in our country .
  3、A child begins / to speak / the moment it opens its lips / to utter any acknowledged sound.
  同时应该引起注意的是,意群跟意群之间并不是一定要停顿的,有些情况下可以停顿,也可以不停顿。比如上面所说到的1、2就可以不停顿,3的话可以少停顿一次:A child begins to speak / the moment it opens its lips / to utter any acknowledged sound.
  1 .下列句子可分为两个意群:
  We study hard / for our country .
  There are only two windows / in that room .
  I like coffee/ but I don’t like tea.
  Would you bring me/ some bread, please?
  I don’t know/ what to say.
  I got my first job/ last month.
  I will be glad / to meet you again / next year.
  He said / that he would do better / in his English study.
  We worked / with the workers there / and learned a lot / from them.
  The forest had been green / in the summer / when we had come / into the town.
  She is going to set out/ from the French coast/ at five o’clock/ in the morning.
  I love waking up/ in the morning/ and not knowing/ what’s going to happen/ or who I’m going to meet.
  The most valuable gift / I have ever received/ was a photo album/ from my best friend Kevin.