

"Ideas determine!" ! !
Many people have heard the phrase, but instant and forget, but the fact that I was around all the time to verify the truth! University where I have a female classmate, is the only class of Wenzhou, long relatively ugly, nor the intention of learning at home parents is to open a shoe factory, so that well-off. In every test in the middle class inferior, likes to show off a bit of money, quite pull, so do not chase her male students, female students look down on her. But this girl likes to brag about the best five years after graduation to buy a BMW car, gave future husband to do a wedding gift, others feel she is Italian *, more I hate her.
However, this behavior is not the same girl, the others too busy to research level, learning that something Haozhaogongzuo increase the stock of knowledge in the future, she does not like is to learn, like most nights in the college entrance is a street vendor, commodity from the surrounding market came some inferior gadgets, crying aloud, not very profitable, and later own and sell candied fruit, do not make money and later buy their own pressure cooker, popcorn collapse night, the kind of two dollars a pot, so mingled graduation, even Listen to her four years of college himself said he earned a total of nearly 2 million.
After graduation, she was not looking for a job directly to the Hangzhou Silk Street, with the help of relatives opened a small facade, three years later is said to be rich, even when open cars Honda class reunion to attend. 5 years yet to come, but she had said to her husband to send BMW promises, many students began to believe.
What example illustrates this reality?
The girl described the concept of more advanced, others took the old nose effort in PubMed, in learning, in research, she has to look for a business, they not think of the future to go to work, the results of a few years after graduation to become a so-called successful people, and the overall quality of college much higher than her other students, or holding of a thousand a month salary, or just graduate, beleaguered find work.
This is different for different choices decide the fate of the different ideas determine a different way!
The girl mediocre intelligence, personality in general, people long and ugly, but the only valuable is the idea more advanced, look to their own business to do business, insist on doing down than those students admitted to the master's and doctoral are promising. Turning back to the 1980s Wenzhou and Sichuan.
Wenzhou peasant farmers in Sichuan in the 1980s and are among the first battles of the crowd began to Wenzhou Chinese farmer battles way to repair umbrellas, pens, pots, or reselling point petty merchandise, wandering around in short. Sichuan farmer battles way is to go directly to work in Guangdong. 80s who dared to come out battles are people with courage, because the era of information developed, the traffic is not convenient, people outside world cling to a deep fear. Sichuanese and Wenzhou have the courage and boldness, but due to different ideas, took a different path to get rich.
29 years later, Wenzhou, farmers have become China's richest people, who mastered the most absorbed into China's business skills, their wealth can even let their offspring to go abroad, to Europe to do business; and the first generation of farmers in Sichuan workers who have quit the stage of history, most of them poor continue to live in his hometown in Sichuan, and follow their father's footsteps juniors continue crowded rush to Guangzhou for the bosses of cruel exploitation, has become one of the poorest social class of people.
What does this mean? Because parents choose different, not only affect themselves, but also affect their offspring! Wenzhou farmer's hard work to make their own and future generations to rid itself of poverty, while farmers in Sichuan hard work in exchange for the sons of sad endless sorrow and poverty.
Ideas determine, again verified!
Zhejiang out of an economist, very great, he summed up the philosophy of Zhejiang's work: "I would rather do business wolf, not working dog," of course, this saying is very extreme, many workers are not willing to listen to friends, But we think about it, the man's words really a bit of sense of it.
Wolf to seek freedom, preferring an independent personality, freedom of thought, every day run on the prairie, the wanton killing of cattle and sheep, provided by nature to enjoy every delicious as possible, after lying on the grass to eat, do not want anything, enjoy the sun and free air, they are dominated by grasslands, they are plenty of dignity. But when the cold comes, they must learn to resist the cold snowstorm, learn to find their prey beneath thick snow, often suffer from hunger, at any time worried about their Donge died. Wolf's life can be described as half water, half of the flame.
Dog's Life on the contrary, usually the owner of the dog can only eat scraps remaining, was the owner yelling busy everywhere, no freedom, no dignity, only fawning dog's life is guaranteed, though never eat less than what Delicious, but do not worry about the arrival of the winter cold and hungry, a master of the fart care, dogs grateful, swear allegiance to the next life is still the main man, even the owner of wanton abuse dogs, dogs are probably not dare to utter a word, Because obedient and docile dog who sign. Compromises the dog's tag, in order to stabilize the rice bowl, for their own old when a fixed rations, all recognize!
If the real-life people to compare the estimated most of us are living a dog's life, stable and comfortable, but never enough to eat, I want to leave the host family's doghouse, but the lack of the most drastic of courage!
I felt the reality of most career choices of young people is to do the dog work, rather than do business wolf. Many of my friends would say, just out of school students, where there is capital and experience to start it? The best option is to go to the company to work a few years, experience points and reserve funds, then there is a chance a few years later and then start their own businesses.
In fact, this idea proved to be very wrong, a college student unit of work a few years later, not only to make money not needed for business, but can not learn entrepreneurial experience and skills. Learned working career entrepreneurship is essentially useless, because the two different perspectives, different ways of thinking, Experience obtained are also different, can only say that after a few years the only thing you get to work to improve the working technical skills, and entrepreneurship need is technical skill.
Even more frightening is that after working a few years, young people generally lose the entrepreneurial passion, loss of fearless courage, more and more difficult to extricate themselves indulge in the unit, then the idea of entrepreneurship will forever remain in my heart, become a permanent regret. To wait until the age of 40 were dismissed boss, only to regret it 20 years ago, why not start your own business out of it!
So what do business wolf requirements high?
My answer is: as long as there is a wolf do entrepreneurial ideas, even if pockets of only 100 yuan, still able to entrepreneurial success!
Early generation of Wenzhou people out of business a few pocket money? Not by changing the eggs to earn the first money exchange wok thing. Your pocket only 100 yuan, at least you can put a stall in the street, selling socks, winter gloves or something, what's the summer selling pineapple, funded in mind can put forward a barbecue and the like, anyway, less money, but also to go on the road of entrepreneurship, the key you want to do business wolf? .