

本名:Robert Thomas Pattinson (罗伯特 托马斯 帕丁森)
绰号:Rob, RPattz
身高:6呎1吋 (185cm)

Vanity Fair (浮华新世界) - Older Rawdy Crawley
Ring of the Nibelungs (尼伯龙根的指环/魔戒传奇) - Giselher
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (哈利波特与火焰杯)4 - Cedric Diggory
The Haunted Airman - Toby Jugg
The Bad Mother's Handbook - Daniel Gale
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (哈利波特与凤凰社)5 - Cedric Diggory(只出现在倒述剧情)
The Summer House - Richard
How To Be - Art
Little Ashes (少许灰烬) - Salvador Dalí
Twilight (暮色/暮光之城) - Edward Cullen
New Moon (新月) - Edward Cullen 简介
1986年出生于英国伦敦的Robert,母亲任职于模特儿经纪公司,父亲则从事进口美国中古车的生意。 Robert在15岁时加入了Barnes Theatre Company,并开始了业余性的演艺工作,在Barnes Theatre Club里演出某些角色。
而他第一个屏幕角色出现在电视剧Ring of the Nibelungs里,随后也参与了《Vanity Fair(浮华新世界)》里的演出,不过基于剧情考量,最后电影上映时Robert的演出被删除了,但在DVD版本中依然看得到他被删减的演出。Cedric Diggory
1. 二十五位二十五岁以下最红男演员
2. 雅虎最令人心动电影明星
3. 《滚石杂志》最红男演员
4. 电视节目《Entertainment Tonight》票选最英俊性感男人
5. 《LA时代杂志》最突破明星
1. Hollywood电影节“New Hollywood奖”
2. 凭电影《How To Be》获法国史特拉斯堡电影节“最佳男演员奖”
第1个回答  推荐于2018-05-05
Robert Pattinson (born 13 May 1986)is an English actor, model and musician.[4] He is best known for playing Edward Cullen in the film adaptation of Twilight, based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer, and for the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Early life
Pattinson was born in London, England. His mother, Clare, worked for a modeling agency, and his father, Richard, imported vintage cars from the U.S.[8] Pattinson attended Tower House School and Harrodian School.[9] He became involved in amateur theatre through the Barnes Theatre Company. After some backstage experience there, he took on acting roles. He caught the attention of an acting agent in a production of Tess of the D'Urbervilles and began looking for professional roles. Pattinson has two elder sisters, one of which is singer Lizzy Pattinson.[10][11]

Pattinson began modeling when he was twelve years old, but it wound down only four years later. He has blamed his lack of work as a model on his masculine appearance. Pattinson explained in December 2008, "When I first started I was quite tall and looked like a girl, so I got lots of jobs, because it was during that period where the androgynous look was cool. Then, I guess, I became too much of a guy, so I never got any more jobs. I had the most unsuccessful modeling career."[12] Pattinson appeared in the advertising campaign for Hackett's Autumn 2007 collection.[13]


Pattinson at the premiere for Twilight in 2008Pattinson had supporting roles in the made for television film Ring of the Nibelungs in 2004 and in director Mira Nair’s Vanity Fair, although his scenes in the latter were deleted and only appear on the DVD version.[14] In May 2005, he was slated to appear in the UK premiere of The Woman Before at the Royal Court Theatre, but was fired shortly before the opening night and was replaced by Tom Riley.[15] Later that year he played Cedric Diggory in the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. For this he was named that year's British Star of Tomorrow by The Times.[16] He has more than once been touted as the next Jude Law.[9][17][18]

Pattinson played Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight, based on Stephenie Meyer's bestselling novel of the same name, which was released on 21 November 2008 in North America. According to TV Guide, Pattinson was initially apprehensive about auditioning for the role of Edward Cullen, fearful that he would not be able to live up to the "perfection" expected from the character.[19] He reprised his role as Edward Cullen in the Twilight sequels The Twilight Saga: New Moon and the upcoming Eclipse, which began filming in August 2009.[20]

Pattinson also had lead roles in the feature films Little Ashes (in which he plays Salvador Dalí), How To Be (a British comedy) and the short film The Summer House. In 2010, he will appear in a theatre production for producer David Pugh.[21]

He presented at the 81st Academy Awards on 22 February 2009.[22]

Revolver Entertainment created a documentary entitled Robsessed, which details Pattinson's life and popularity. The documentary was released to DVD on 10 November 2009, to coincide with the release of New Moon.[23]

Pattinson was ranked #10 on The Telegraph's list of the 10 Highest Paid Actors, with earnings of £10 million ($16 million) from the Twilight movies.
Pattinson plays guitar and piano, and composes his own music.He also appears as the singer of two songs on the Twilight soundtrack: "Never Think", which he co-wrote with Sam Bradley,and "Let Me Sign", which was written by Marcus Foster and Bobby Long. The songs were included in the film after director Catherine Hardwicke added Pattinson's recordings into an early cut without his knowledge, and he agreed that "one of them specifically, it really made the scene better. It was like it was supposed to be there."[4] The soundtrack for the film How To Be features three original songs performed by Pattinson[28] and written by composer Joe Hastings

Aside from recording for the soundtracks, Pattinson has said, "I've never really recorded anything - I just played in pubs and stuff", and when asked about a professional music career, he said, "Music is my back-up plan if acting fails."[4] In 2008, he also performed with his first girlfriend's current boyfriend's band, called Bad Girls.
Personal life
He was named one of the "Sexiest Men Alive" in 2008 by People magazine[31] and in 2009, through a poll conducted by Glamour.[32] On having a girlfriend, Pattinson states, "I don't even have people's phone numbers. I almost don't want to have a girlfriend in this environment."[33] Pattinson currently resides in Los Angeles.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-25
"City of Twilight: Twilight," Bella himself exiled to the Fox and the remote town of rain throughout the year. She could not think of how is this choice, let her meet him at the crossroads of destiny. Fair eyes that moment, have to understand each other, waiting for them, apart from the well-being of the temptation, there is a danger of the abyss. Cordial with each other two, in love and the risk of inter-swing, with new and exciting Spend each day, as long as the sun,romantic evening in the City of Light.
Since he has a charming appearance, Superman's body, and the ability to see through people's minds, he is? And she is just a natural motor neuron worse, skin as white as sick as ordinary girls. Meeting that year, they are all 17-year-old. Wheel of time is the solidification of him, for her it is rapidly rotating. Youth willhim, she will eventually corrupt the youth, their world, there are really mixed it? From Adam and Eve started, in the face of a love-hate vortex desire, mankind is always at a loss.
Happiness slowly forward, waiting for waves moving. When a vulnerable young girls to integrate into a very human world, she faced the danger of the devil than with the kind of kiss is much more difficult. After dusk the day after a beautiful evening, this adventure story of ups and downs at this time is just a prelude.
Author will be the main character's emotional adolescent feelings of confusion and bewildering entanglement describes a real delicacy,description andelegant language to arouse the reader's endless imagination,stories and bizarre plot twists and turns readers aroused continuous reading impulse. In the fresh, gentle and touching, and readers have witnessed the brilliant youth, first love of the beautiful, also witnessed the struggle Sense & Sensibility, soul and body of the struggling ... ...

"Twilight City: Crescent" Edward deeply fascinated Beira, also loved her unique scent. But Happy Hour is always short-lived, in her eighteen-year-old birthday party, the Beira accidentally cut his arm, the blood flows evoked Edwards family bloodthirsty nature. In order to protect his beloved people, Edward and his family left the town of Fox.
Edward left, Bella's world completely collapsed, and she began to try all kinds of risky behavior, because she found that as long as she is dangerous to do one thing, Edward's voice will appear in her mind. Beira-style self-flagellation act crazy and did not let Edward change her mind and this time, young Jacob appeared uninhibited pale in her world, though he knows the hearts of otherwise Beira others, or affectionately to accompany and protect her. One is as firm as a rock of ice-cold heterogeneous, a Some Like It Hot are the hot werewolf, Bella will be a choice ... ... Edwards mistakenly think Bella had jumped into the sea and death, can not afford such a sudden a huge blow, he decided to make all One of the broken. Dusk gradually retire, what awaits them is the horizon shows the most dark nights