provide to 和 provide with 区别

provide to 和 provide with 区别


1. 接名词作宾语。

It is said that the management will provide food and drink. 据说管理部门将供应饮食。

2. 用于provide sth. for sb.结构,即"向某人提供某物",也可用provide sb.with sth. 结构。这两者意思相同,可互换,但介词不可混淆。

They provided some necessary support for the sufferers. 他们为受难者提供了一些必要的援助。


The local law provides that valuable ancient buildings must be protected by the government. 当地法律规定,政府必须保护那些有价值的古建筑。


1. provide against... 为......作好准备;预防......。

We should try our best to provide

against the return of bird flu. 我们应该尽最大努力来预防禽流感的再次发生。

2. provide for 提供生活费,养活。

He provided for his family by selling newspapers. 他靠卖报来养活他的家人。


I will agree to go providing (that) my expenses are paid. 只要为我负担费用,我就同意去。
本文出自: 学得快英语教学网, 原文地址:
第1个回答  2010-05-21
provide sth to sb
provide sb with sth
第2个回答  2010-05-21
provide to 是供给(某人)……
provide with 是供给某人某物……
第3个回答  2010-05-21
provide to 是供给(某人)……
比如说The U.S. provides to the developing countries its military aid.
provide with 是供给某人某物……
例如:he provided me with all the files that involve the case.