
application store,又称为APP Store。 是苹果公司基于iPhone的软件应用商店,向iPhone的用户提供第三方的应用软件服务,这是苹果开创的一个让网络与手机相融合的新型经营模式。
2008年3月6日,苹果对外发布了针对iPhone的应用开发包(SDK),供免费下载,以便第三方应用开发人员开发针对iPhone及Touch的应用软件。 不到一周时间,3月12日,苹果宣布已获得超过100,000次的下载,三个月后,这一数字上升至250,000次。苹果公司一直以来推出的产品在技术上都保持一定的封闭性,比如当年的Mac,此次推出SDK可以说是前所未有的开放之举。 继SDK推出之后,同年7月11日,苹果application store正式上线。 7月14日,application store中可供下载的应用已达800个,下载量达到1千万次。 2009年1月16日,数字刷新为,逾1.5万个应用,超过5亿次下载。application store平台上大部分应用价格低于10美元,并且有约20%的应用是供免费下载的。用户购买应用所支付的费用由苹果与应用开发商3:7分成。
application store模式的意义在于为第三方软件的提供者提供了方便而又高效的一个软件销售平台,使得第三方软件的提供者参与其中的积极性空前高涨,适应了手机用户们对个性化软件的需求,从而使得手机软件业开始进入了一个高速、良性发展的轨道,是苹果公司把application store这样的一个商业行为升华到了一个让人效仿的经营模式,苹果公司的application store开创了手机软件业发展的新篇章,application store无疑将会成为手机软件业发展史上的一个重要的里程碑,其意义已远远超越了“iPhone的软件应用商店”的本身。
iPhone OS
iPhone OS 或 OS XiPhone是由苹果公司为iPhone开发的操作系统。它主要是给iPhone和iPodtouch使用。就像其基于的Mac OSX操作系统一样,它也是以Darwin为基础的。iPhoneOS的系统架构分为四个层次:核心操作系统层(the Core OSlayer),核心服务层(the Core Serviceslayer),媒体层(the Media layer),可轻触层(theCocoa Touchlayer)。系统操作占用大概512MB的存储空间。 iPhone OS由两部分组成:操作系统和能在iPhone和iPod touch设备上运行原生程序的技术。由于iPhone是为移动终端而开发,所以要解决的用户需求就与Mac OS X有些不同,尽管在底层的实现上iPhone与Mac OS X共享了一些底层技术。如果你是一名Mac开发人员,你可以在iPhone OS发现很多熟悉的技术,同时也会注意到iPhone OS的独有之处,比如多触点接口(Multi-Touch interface)和加速器(accelerometer) 。
支持的软件 iPhone和iPodTouch使用基于ARM架构的中央处理器,而不是x86处理器(就像以前的PowerPC或MC680x0),它使用由PowerVR视屏卡渲染的OpenGLES 1.1.。因此,Mac OS X 上的应用程序不能直接复制到iPhoneOS上运行。他们需要针对iPhoneOS的ARM重新编写。但就像下面所提到的,Safari 浏览器支持"Web应用程序"。从iPhone OS2.0开始,通过审核的第三方应用程序已经能够通过苹果的App Store进行发布和下载了。
iPhone OS自带的应用程序 在2.2版本的固件中,iPhone的主界面包括包括以下自带的应用程序: SMS(简讯)、日历、照片、相机、YouTube、股市、地图(AGPS辅助的Google地图)、天气、时间、计算机、备忘录、系统设定、iTunes(将会被链接到iTunesMusicStore和iTunes广播目录)、AppStore以及联络资讯。还有四个位于最下方的常用应用程式包括有:电话、Mail、Safari和iPod。 除了电话、简讯、和相机,iPodTouch保留了大部分iPhone自带的应用程序。iPhone上的"iPod"程序在iPodTouch上被分成了两个:音乐和视讯。位于主界面最下方dock上的应用程序也根据iPodTouch的主要功能而改成了:音乐、视讯、照片和iTunes。

  application store, also known as the APP Store. Is the Apple store on iPhone software applications to users with third-party iPhone applications services, this is for Apple to create a fusion of Internet and mobile phone new business model.
  March 6, 2008, Apple released outside the application for the iPhone development kit (SDK), available for free download to third-party application developers for the iPhone and Touch applications. Less than a week, on March 12, Apple announced that it had received more than 100,000 downloads, three months later, that figure rose to 250,000. Apple has introduced products in the technology have been maintained closed, such as year of Mac, the launch of SDK can be said that the unprecedented move of opening up. Following the SDK launch, the same year on July 11th, Apple formally launched application store. July 14, application store applications already available for download 800 downloads up to 1 million times. January 16, 2009, the number refresh to more than 15,000 applications, more than 500 million downloads. application store platform, most of the applications for less than 10 dollars, and about 20% of the applications are available for free download. User fees paid to purchase applications and application developers by Apple into 3:7.
  The significance of model application store for third-party software providers to provide convenient and efficient for a software distribution platform, makes the third-party software providers to participate in the unprecedented enthusiasm, adapted to the mobile phone users Men on personalized software Xuqiu , which makes mobile phone software industry entered a rapid, healthy development track, is Apple's application store to conduct such a business raising it to the people to follow a business model, Apple's application store opened up mobile software industry chapter, application store will no doubt become a mobile software industry is an important milestone in the history of its meaning far beyond the "iPhone software applications store" itself.
  iPhone OS
  iPhone OS or OS XiPhone was developed by Apple for the iPhone operating system. It is mainly used for iPhone and iPodtouch. Like its Mac OSX operating system based as it is based in Darwin. iPhoneOS system architecture is divided into four levels: the core operating system layer (the Core OSlayer), the core service layer (the Core Serviceslayer), Media layer (the Media layer), can tap layer (theCocoa Touchlayer). System operation occupy about 512MB of storage space. iPhone OS consists of two parts: the operating system and be able to iPhone and iPod touch devices to run a native application technology. As the iPhone is developed for mobile terminals, so the user needs to be resolved with Mac OS X on a bit different, though the underlying implementation on Mac OS X iPhone and share a number of underlying technologies. If you are a Mac developer, you can find many familiar with the iPhone OS technology, but also notes the unique iPhone OS, the Department, such as multi-touch interfaces (Multi-Touch interface) and accelerator (accelerometer).
  Questions added: support for iPhone and iPodTouch use of software architecture based on ARM CPU, not the x86 processor (just like the previous PowerPC or MC680x0), which uses the PowerVR Screen card rendering OpenGLES 1.1.. Therefore, Mac OS X on the application can not run directly copied to the iPhoneOS. They need to re-write for iPhoneOS of ARM. But, as mentioned below, Safari browser support for "Web Application." IPhone OS2.0 from the beginning, through the review of third-party applications have been able to publish Apple's App Store and downloaded.
  iPhone OS application that comes with version 2.2 firmware, iPhone's main interface includes the following native applications: SMS (SMS), calendar, photos, camera, YouTube, stocks, maps (AGPS supporting Google Maps) , weather, time, computer, memoranda, system settings, iTunes (will be linked to iTunesMusicStore and iTunes radio directory), AppStore, and contact information. There are four in the bottom of the common applications include: Phone, Mail, Safari, and iPod. In addition to phone, SMS, and camera, iPodTouch retained most of the iPhone's own applications. iPhone's "iPod" program iPodTouch been divided into two: music and video. Dock at the bottom of the main interface of the application procedures on the main functions under the iPodTouch changed: music, video, photos, and iTunes.
第1个回答  2010-05-21
Application store, also known as the APP Store. Is the Apple iPhone-based software application store, to provide users of iPhone third-party application software services, this is Apple pioneered by a network and mobile phone integration of new business models.
March 6, 2007, Apple released the iPhone's application development kit (SDK), available for free download, so that third-party application developers to develop for the iPhone and Touch of application software. Less than a week, on 12 March, Apple announced that it has acquired over 100,000 downloads, three months later, this number rose to 250,000. Apple has announced technical maintain a certain degree, such as the Mac, this year launched the SDK can be said that the unprecedented opening move. Further to the SDK, July 11, the same year, Apple's application store AIT. On 14 July, the application store is available for download in the application has reached 800, download reaches 1 million. On January 16, 2009, digital refreshes,Touchlayer)。 System operation consumes approximately 512 MB of storage space. IPhone OS consists of two parts: the operating system and be on iPhone and iPod touch devices run native program technology. Because the iPhone is being developed for mobile terminals, to resolve user needs some with Mac OS X, although in the underlying implementation on the iPhone with Mac OS x shared some of the underlying technology. If you are a Mac Developer, you can find a lot of iPhone OS are familiar with the technology, but also note that the iPhone OS unique, multi-contact interface (Multi-Touch interface) and accelerator (accelerometer).
第2个回答  2020-02-03