

1. 解答问题:介词with不是方位介词。常见的方位介词有in,on,to,toward,behind, in front of,beside等等。

2. 用法大全: 英语中常见的介词with使用频率相当高,它可以和动词、名词或者形容词组合起来,表达各种不同的含义。通常说来,它主要可以用来表达: ①和,与,同: argue with you. 和你争辩。② 对于: be strict with us对我们要求严格。③ 用,以,被(可灵活翻译): fight with his pen。④表示原因: tremble with fear。⑤ 有,带有,附带: a wardrobe with a mirror 带有镜子的衣橱。⑥ 引起短语作状语,说明原因: go home with a heavy heart. 心情沉重回家去。⑦ 与一复合结构构成短语,用作状语,以说明方式:enter the classroom with a few books in his hands. 手里拿着几本书走进教室。⑧ 就……来说: How are things with you?你情况怎么样?

3. 举例说明:

① How are you getting on with him? 你和他相处的怎么样?

② They are quite satisfied with your work.他们对你们的工作表示很满意。

③ The ground was covered with snow. 地上铺满白雪。

④ Who is that young man with glasses?那位戴眼镜的青年人是谁?

⑤ With the matter settled, we went home.事情一解决,我们就回家了。

⑥ It's the same with us student.我们学生也是这样。
