

1.I have to come to meet him for the work problem
2.I didn't prepared for this kind of matter at present
3.Well, have you solved last thing?
4.Now the company business is very poor, I am so free everyday .
5.If the things you didn't handle well, the consequences will be serious注意handle后面一定要加well,没加意思就是未处理,而你要表达的意思是没有处理好!
6.Don't worry about this, I know what should I do
7.How do you think? Please say your requiremts in one time.注意The word once explained的翻译工具直译过来的,是不正确的!
8.What is your future plan?Stay in this industrial forever?注意Always do this line?翻译工具的不精确性,line表示线条, 线, 绳条纹, 皱纹,电话线,排, 行,生产线,流水线并没有你句子中的行“行业”的意思,英语中的行业是Industry或者line of business。
9.Well,how about the thing I have metioned with you last time?
10.I wii leave if they really wound my pride . 注意:wound sb's pride 伤害某人自尊心hurt一般是接heart,hurt sb.'s heart表示伤了某人的心

第1个回答  2010-06-08
1 2 楼 可悲的机译!

1. I have some problems at works for him.
2. I haven't prepared well for this
3. By the way, have you settled the problem you encoutered last time?
4. I have been idle due to the bad business in the company
5. The consequences will be severe if you can't take care of this matter.
6. Be reassured please, i know what to do.
7. What do you want? Make it clear only one time!
8. What are you planning to do in future? would you do this all the time?
9. By the way, have you settled the problem you encoutered last time?10.If they do hurt my self-esteem, I will walk away.
第2个回答  2010-06-08
1 > I have to work on the problem to find him.
2 > I have done this aspect of preparation.
For the last 3 >, the things you solved?
4 > now company business is very poor, I everyday very carefree.
5 > this thing you didn't handle, the consequences will be severe.
6 > ", I know how to do yourself.
7 > what do you want? The word once explained.
8 > what are your future plan? Always do this line?
9 >, with what you said last handled?
10 > if they really hurt my pride, I would leave.
第3个回答  2010-06-08
1.I have to work on the problem to find him
2.I didn't do it
3.For the last thing you, solved
4.Now the company business is very poor, I everyday very carefree.
5.The things you didn't handle, the consequences will be severe
6."What, I know I should do
7.What do you want? The word once explained
8.What is your future plan? Always do this line
9.For the last time, with what you said to deal with?
10.if they really hurt my pride, I would leave.