
RT .

[强 æz; å¼±əz]
1. [表示程度]同样地,相同地,一样地,相等地,达到…程度

2. [后接形容词或分词]被认为,被看作是,(从某种方式)与…对比时

3. [后接 directed, agreed, promised 等分词]照…一样,按照(规定的、同意的、答应的)方式

4. 诸如,例如

1. [表示比较]像…(一样),达到…程度,以至于:
例句: It flew straight as an arrow.
You are as good as you think you are.
2. [表示方式]以…的方式,按照;如同,如同…那样:
例句: Do as you are told.
Do as we do.
3. [表示时间] 当…的时候,在…的同时,和…同时;当,正值:
例句: She wept as she spoke.
Pay as you enter.
4. [表示原因]因为,由于,鉴于;既然:
例句: As you object, we won't go.
As you are leaving last, lock up.
5. [与so连用,表示结果或目的]:以至于,结果是:
例句: The question is so obvious as to need no reply.
6. [表示让步,词序倒装]虽然,尽管,纵:
例句: Tall as she was she couldn't reach the oranges.
她虽然长得这么高,仍够不着那些橙子。Strange as it seems,it is so.
7. [口语][引导名词从句,在主从复合句的主句中]= that:
例句: I don't know as I should.
I don't know as I do.
8. [与 so 连用,表示目的]为了,为使,以便:
例句: Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.
9. [常与 so 连用,表示比例或关系]正像;随着…:
例句: As the wind blew harder,so the sea grew rougher.
10. 仿佛,好像( = as if):
例句: It seems as she's never happy.
11. 根据;[与 go 连用]按照…的一般标准来说:
例句: as far as it goes
12. [口语][引导名词从句, = that]
13. [方言]比;与其…(不如…)( = than)

1. 如(情形或事实所表示);这一点,这一事实,那一情况
2. [用于比较,前为such 或 the same,或与后跟形容词的 as 连用,引导定语从句,等于who,which或that]照此;如;像…样的人(或事物);凡是…的人(或事物)
3. 也一样( = and so)
4. [方言][引导定语从句,= who,whom,which 或 that]

1. 当作;作为;以…的资格,以…的身份:
例句: He poses as a friend.
I do not think much of her as a musician.
2. 像,如同,跟…一样:
例句: The risk is as nothing compared to the gain.
The thief disguised himself as a policeman.
3. [表示比较]像…(一样):
例句: as early as 1848
早在1848年eyes as clear as crystals
4. 例如:
例句: a card game, as bridge
In some words in English the initial h is not sounded,as honour,hour,honesty,etc.
英语里有些词如 honour,hour,honesty等等的首字h不发音。
5. 为了…的目的:例句: I only said it as a joke.
6. 以…的形式:例句: We all start life as babies.
7. 由于…的理由[as being的省略形式]:
例句: He was detained as suspects.
8. 起…的作用;(在剧中)扮演…的角色:
例句: The illustration shows Mr.John as prince in Hamlet.
9. 当某人在…的时候:
例句: As a child,he was rather naughty.

1. as a basket of chips极其,非常2. as above如上;同上3. as against与…相比,和…(过去情况加以)比较;与…相对照,比(对)…4. as a general thing通例,惯例;通常;大概5. as a matter of course当然,乃必然之事6. as a matter of fact事实上,实际上,其实;事实恰恰相反[见matter]7. as a matter of form作为一种礼节8. as a matter of routine按照常规;例行公事9. as a means of作为…的工具;作为…的方法10. as appears(在…地方)能见到;出现(于);见(于)…11. as appertains适当,适合;相当12. as a result (或 consequence)因此,结果(发生某种情况),作为结果[见result或consequence] as a(或the) result of 由于…而,作为…的结果;因此,结果[见 result]13. as a (general) rule一般说来,通常[见 rule]14. as and when无论是以什么方式和在什么时候15. as…as[用于表示两个事物的相同、相等或同样的关联结构]和…一样,与…同样地16. as…as any不亚于任何一个,不比别的差,…中最…的17. as…as anything极为,非常18. as…as anything can be越…越好;越…越妙19. as…as before像从前一样20. as…as…can be到了最…的程度,极其,十分,很21. (as…)as ever像从前一样;依旧22. as…as one can尽力,尽可能地…;越…越好 as…as…permit 在…许可范围内尽量23. as…as possible尽可能,尽量,越…越好24. as…as they come(或 make them)非常,极端,极其…的,格外地[用于加强语气]25. as a system有规律地;系统地;顺序地;有规划地26. as a whole作为总体,总的说来,就全体而论,概括起来27. as becomes one适当;相合;和…相称28. as being就是;即像29. as best one can (或 could)尽其所能地,尽可能好地,尽最大努力,用一切办法;全力以赴30. as best one may竭力,尽力31. as big as they come最大的32. as big as you please若无其事地;无拘无束地33. (as) black as a crow (或 raven,sloe)漆黑,极黑,十分黑34. (as)black as coal乌黑,漆黑,极黑,35. (as)black as ink

a. 极黑
b. 晦暗;毫无希望,无生气36. (as) black as jet十分黑,极黑37. (as) black as midnight暗如午夜;非常黑暗38. (as) black as Newgate极黑39. as black as one is painted像人们所说(或认为)的那么坏[用于否定句或疑问句]40. (as) black as pitch黑如沥青,非常黑,漆黑41. (as) blunt as hedge-hook十分纯42. (as) bold as a lion勇如猛狮;十分勇敢43. (as) bold as blind Bayard愚勇,勇而无谋44. (as) brave as a lion勇如猛狮,非常勇敢45. (as) bright as day (或 as moon day)十分亮,很明亮46. (as) bright as silver (或 as the light)十分亮47. (as) brisk as a butterfly十分活泼;非常敏捷48. (as) brittle as glass容易碎的,很脆的49. as broad as it is (或 it's)long

a. 没有区别,半斤八两,结果一样
b. 长宽一样50. (as) brown as a berry (或 as mahogany)棕色,褐色51. as chance will (或 would) have it凑巧;偶然;偏偏52. (as) clear as day (或 a whistle)明若观火,很明白,很清楚,极易了解53. (as) cold as ice (或 a marble)

a. 冰冷,很冷
b. 冷酷无情54. (as) common as the hedge (或 highway)十分平常(或普通)55. as concerning关于,至于56. as coolly as you like非常冷淡地57. (as) dark as midnight暗似半夜,非常黑暗58. as early as早在,和…一样早59. as ever依然,依旧 [见as usual]60. as fair (或 good) as一样好;不相上下61. (as) fair as a lily (或 as a rose)美貌,姣好如出水芙蓉(或玫瑰花)62. as far as

a. 远到…,一直到…;到…那么远;像…那样远
b. [口语][表示程度、范围]就…;就…而论,尽…;至于,说到[见 far]63. as far as anything goes就一般的情况来说;就事情的本身来说;就有关方面而论64. as far as … be concerned就…而论65. as far as … goes就…而论66. as far as I can see据我看来67. as far as in my lies尽我最大的力量;尽我力所能及68. as far as it goes照目前情况而论;假使只是那么样69. as far as one can see根据某人的判断;就某人所判断的70. as far as the eye can reach就眼力所能及;极目71. as far back as在早…,远在…72. as far forth as= as far as73. (as) fast as和…一样快,迅速,立即74. as folks (或 men,people,things) go照习惯来说;照一般说法,照现在情况来说75. as follows如下;如后76. as for

a. 就…而论,说到;在…方面
b. 至于,关于77. as for the rest至于后来;至于其他,至于其余的人(或事物),(有时暗示不关心或轻蔑)[见 rest 条的 for the rest]78. as from从…时起,以…时候开始[公文用语]79. as God is my witness我郑重发(或起)誓80. as good相等于,无异;同样,也81. as good as与…无异,与…几乎一样;简直是;实际上等于,其实,实在[见 good]82. (as) good as a feast充裕;富余83. as good as done几乎用尽;行将完成84. (as) good as gold

a. [口语]
b. 极贵重的;很可靠的
c. (孩子)规规矩矩的,很乖的85. as good as one's word(s)说话算数,言行一致;守约86. as good as they come极好的[见 come]87. (as)happy as a king(或 a clam)非常愉快,非常幸福88. as happy (或honest) as the day is long非常愉快(或诚实)的(尤指处于一种持续状态)89. as … has it如…所说90. (as) heavy as a bag of sand (或as lead,as sand)非常重;(心情)沉重91. as how

a. [主美国方言、口语]
b. [引导名词性从句]= that
c. 是否( = if,whether)92. (as) hungry as a hawk (或 as a hunter,as a wolf)很饿,饿极了,非常饥饿93. as I am alive见 as I live94. as if

a. 好像,似乎,仿佛
b. [引导名词从句] = that
c. [引导无定形句,表示惊讶、不信任、愤懑等强烈感情]好像…似的,倒是…似的95. as if it's going out of fashion[口语]毫无节制地(常用于 spend money 之后)[见like it's going out of fashion]96. as if it's going out of style[口语]毫无节制地[见 like it's going out of fashion]97. as if it were= as it were98. as if (或 though)one owned the place专横跋扈地;盛气凌人地99. as if (或 though)one's life depended on (或 upon) it竭尽全力地;专心致志地100. as if (或 though) something were(或 was) not enough除(做)某事以外另外还…;好像(做)某事还不够似的101. as I live (或as I am alive)的的确确,确实[用作插入语]102. as I live and breathe

a. 使我非常吃惊,竟明明白白(表示出乎意外)
b. 的的确确[用于加强语气]103. as ill befalls即使发生不幸的事104. as I see it据我看来,依我看105. as is most likely颇像,极似106. as is natural自然;天然;不用说107. as is the case确有其事,果真108. as is usual照常,像平时一样109. as I think据我看来,依我看,我以为110. as (it) is[美国口语]按现状;照原样;照现在的样子,就照这样子;没有任何变化;未加改变;未加装饰111. as it may虽然这样,虽然,无论如何112. as it seems似乎,好像,从表面上看来113. as it seems good to随便,随意;如认为适当114. as it should be[美国俚语]应当;适当115. as it should seem似乎,好像,显然116. as its kind那一类的117. as it was

a. 其实是,实际上,事实上
b. 按现状,根据现在(或这时)情况看,照目前的情况看来,照现在的样子,就以现在样子118. as it were似乎;可谓,姑且这么说,可以说是;就跟…一样;如同,仿佛在某种程度上119. as large again见 as deep again120. as lief

a. 宁愿…,宁可…
b. 同样乐意,同样愿意[见 as soon]121. as life declines年龄增,渐老122. (as) like as not[口语]十之八九,大概123. as little as may be尽少124. as long as

a. (长)达…之久
b. [美国英语]既然,由于[常置于句首]
c. 只要,如果;在…的时候,在…的情形下[见 long]125. as lovely as she can be and live[美国俚语]非常美丽126. as many (或 much,etc.) as

a. 到…程度,多达…;和…一样多
b. 和…一样,正如[见many]127. as may be seen(在…地方)能看到128. (as) meek as a lamb (或 as a maid)温柔如羔羊(或处女),非常温顺129. as might have been expected如预料的一样,在预料中,不出所料130. as much

a. (和…)同样的,(和…)多的,(和…)同样数量
b. 同样的事;正如此;这一点(指上文提到的情况)[见much]131. as much as one's life is worth[口语]性命攸关的,危及某人的生命的;非常危险的;使某人陷入烦恼(或不快)的132. as near as makes no difference (或 odds)没有多少差别[见near]133. as of

a. [美国英语]自…起,从…时起( = as from)
b. 直至;在…时;到…时候为止134. as of old一如从前,一如既往;照旧[见 old]135. as of right因属正当要求,作为合法权利,作为应享的(法定)权利[见 right]136. as often as

a. 每次,每当;无论何时
b. 像…地多次[见 often]137. as often as not往往,通常;屡次;多半,至少百分之五十的次数[见 often]138. as one一致的139. as one likes (或 chooses,etc.)爱怎样就怎样,觉得怎样好就怎样做140. as one man to another以平等待人的方式(或态度)141. as one (或 you) might say可以说是;可以这么说142. as one ought充分;理应143. as one please随意,随便,随(您)喜欢144. as one sees good认为是好的,认为不要紧,随意145. as one thinks proper认为是适宜的,随意146. as one well can be如果可能的话147. as one would随便,随意 as opposed to 和…相反,与…完全不同148. as (people,things) go从(其他人或事物)的通常情况来说,就(一般人或事物)而论149. as per

a. [书面语、商业用语]按照,根据
b. = (as) per usual [见 per]150. as per advice按照通知151. as per usual[口语]照常,照例,按惯例;像平常一样[见 per]152. (as)plentiful as blackberries多如牛毛,极多,很好153. (as)proud as a peacock (或 as punch)目空一切,十分高傲,自高自大154. as regards

a. 至于,关于;就…而论,在…方面
b. 根据,按照,依照[见regard]155. (as) silly as a goose (或 as a sheep)非常愚笨156. as soon

a. 宁愿…,宁可…
b. 同样乐意,同样愿意(常用于 would,had 之后)[亦作 as lief]157. as soon as

a. 一…(就…)
b. 如…那么早(或快),如…一般早(或快)[见soon]158. as soon as look at someone立即,马上159. as soon as maybe[口语]尽快160. as soon as not还是愿意,再也乐意不过地;更愿;巴不得[见soon]161. as soon as possible尽快(地)[见soon]162. (as) steadfast as a rock坚如磐石163. as such

a. 就以这种身份(或名义、资格);如所指的人(或事物)那样
b. 就其本身而论,就这一点而论;本身[见such]164. as sure as就像…那样的千真万确,的的确确;毫无疑问[用于加强语义]165. as sure as I am a living man毫无疑问,一定,确实166. as sure as one lives毫无疑问,确定无疑,确实167. as sure as one stands (或sits)here (或 there)毫无疑问,确定无疑,确实,一定168. (as)sweet as honey (或as a nut,或 as sugar)甘美如蜜,很甜169. as the actress said to the bishop不言而喻[用于口语中,常有幽默色彩]170. as the day is long非常;格外地(尤指处于一种持续状态)[参见 as happy(或 honest) as the day is long]171. As the fool thinks,so the bell clinks.[谚语]傻瓜怎样想,钟声怎样响。(只有蠢人才相信自己的如意算盘。)172. as the matter (或 position,it) stands在现在情况下,照此情况,照现在样子[见 stand]173. As the old cock crows,the young one learns.亦作 As the old cock crows,so crows the young.[谚语]老公鸡怎样啼,小公鸡怎样跟;大人带什么头,孩子学什么样。174. as the spirit takes (或 moves) one随心所欲地(干某事)175. as the wind blows看风势;照目前情况来说176. As they brew,so let them drink.[谚语]自己酿的酸酒自己喝;自食其果。[亦作 As you brew, so shall you bake.]177. as they say俗话说,常言道[常用作诙谐语]178. As they sow, so let them reap.[谚语]播什么种,收什么禾;种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。[亦作 As you sow,so you reap.]179. as things are (或 go,stand,stood)照目前(或当时)情况看,在目前(或当前)形势(或情况)下[见thing]180. as things run照一般情况来说181. as this is the case因情况如此,因此,为了这个缘故182. as though=as if183. as though one owned the place见 as if one owned the place184. as though one's life depended on (或 upon) it见 as if one's life depended on (或 upon)it185. as times go[口语]照目前情况来说186. as to

a. 至于,说到;关于[多引起从句]
b. 按, 按照,遵循,根据187. as to the general一般;大概188. as to the rest至于其余各点,至于其他方面189. as true (或 sure) as I'm sitting (或 standing) here毫无疑问,(尤指已经发生的或预言的事情)千真万确190. as usual像平常一样,像往常一样,照常;依旧191. as was按以前的状况192. as was expected在意料中,不出所料,照预料一样193. as we have seen像已经表明(或证实)的一样194. as well

a. 又,也,还
b. 同样地;完全有理由地
c. 还不如,还是…好;最好;不妨[见well]195. as well as

a. 除…之外(也),同…一样(也),和,也,还
b. 与…一样(程度)
c. 既…又… [见well]196. as well…as not反正都行197. as well do something (as do something else)[讽刺语]倒不如(干某事)的好;最好,不妨198. as well-known as Paul's著名,有名;声名狼藉,众目昭彰199. as well someone may (或 might) (do)如在所提到的情况下期望某人会(做到)的那样200. as which of us has not人人所有201. (as) wise as Solomon (或 Solon)非常聪明202. as wrong as wrong can be大错特错203. as yet到目前为止,迄今为止,到这时为止(还没有,还不是);到当时为止;至今还[见 yet]204. As you brew,so shall you bake.亦作 As they brew,so let them drink (或 bake).205. as you like

a. 如果你愿意;随你喜欢
b. 如果你愿意这样理解 As you make your bed,so you must lie on it. [谚语]自己铺的床自己躺;自作自受;事件是你犯下的,后果必须由你承担。[见bed]206. as you please非常;格外;随便,随意,悉听尊便,随你喜欢207. As you sow,so you reap.亦作As they sow,so let them reap.208. as you value your life尽力,拼命,冒险209. as you were

a. 【军事】[用作操练口令]原地不动,还原,复原(指恢复原来的姿势)
b. [用于纠正说错的话]不;收回自己的话(无论其正确与否);对不起;我说错了210. may (或 might,could) as well不妨,不如(爽性…)211. so…as…[用于否定句]像…那样…[见 so]212. so as to

a. 为使,以便
b. 结果使,以致[见 so]213. so…as to这(或那)样…以致,如此…以致[见so]214. such (…) as像…这种的,像…那样的;诸如…之类的;例如[见 such]215. such as to那(或这)样…以致,到如此程度以致,像这个样子因而[见 such]
第1个回答  2020-03-09
第2个回答  2020-03-20