高分悬赏 初中英语带ding/do短语集合

初中英语带ding sth/to do sth 所有短语集合

admit 承认
appreciate 感激
avoid 避免
delay 耽误

deny 否认
detest 讨厌
endure 忍受
enjoy 喜欢
escape 逃脱
fancy 想象

finish 完成
imagine 想象
mind 介意
miss 想念
practice 训练

recall 回忆
resent 讨厌
resume 继续
resist 抵抗
risk 冒险
suggest 建议

face 面对
include 包括
stand 忍受
understand 理解
forgive 宽恕
keep 继续

例如:Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? 你把收音机音量调小一点,好吗

The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught. 这松鼠幸运得很,刚逃避了被逮住的厄运。

admit to
be used to
lead to
devote oneself to
object to

stick to
no good
no use
be fond of
look forward to
be proud of

be busy
can't help
be tired of
be capable of
be afraid of
think of

burst out
keep on
insist on
count on
set about

put off
be good at
take up
give up
be successful in




long 渴望



The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。

He offered to help me. 他表示愿意帮助我。

1) 情态动词 ( 除ought 外) 后。

2) 使役动词 let, have, make后,感官动词 see, watch, look at, notice , observe, hear, listen to, smell, feel, find 等后。


I saw him dance. 我看见他跳舞。

=He was seen to dance.

The boss made them work the whole night. 老板让他们整夜干活。

=They were made to work the whole night.

3) would rather,had better句型后

4) Why… / why no…句型后

5) help 后可带to,也可不带to, help sb (to) do sth:

6) but和except后。but前是实义动词do时,后面出现的不定式不带to。

比较:He wants to do nothing but go out. 他只想出去玩。

He wants to believe anything but to take the medicine. 除了吃这药,他什么都信。

7) 由and, or和than连接的两个不定式,第二个to 可以省去:

8) 通常在discover, imagine, suppose, think等词后作宾补时,可以省去to be。例如:

He is supposed (to be) nice. 他应该是个好人。


第(1)类动词attempt, begin, continue, intend, start等接不定式或动词—ing 形式做宾语意义不变。如:We began learning / to learn English when we came to junior middle school. 我们来初中学习时才开始学习英语。但是,值得注意的是:begin,start用于进行时态时,后面的非谓语动词只能是不定式。如:He is beginning to work in that company. 他即将开始去那个公司工作。另外,begin,start后面的非谓语动词若是表示心理活动方面的动词know, love, like, understand, hate, enjoy, appreciate,只能是不定式。如:After the talk with his English teacher, he began to like English. 跟英语老师谈话之后,她开始喜欢英语了。
第(2)类动词forget, remember, regret等接不定式时,表示非谓语动词的动作发生于谓语动词的动作之后;接动词—ing 形式做宾语时,表示非谓语动词的动作发生于谓语动词的动作之前;如:I forgot to tell you about it. 我忘记告诉你那件事了(from www.yygrammar.com)。I remembered giving the book to Li Lei, but he said I didn’t. 我记得我把书给李蕾了,但是他说我没有给。但是,动词forget, remember, regret等接动词-ing 形式、接动词-ing 形式的完成式或不定式的完成式做宾语时,意义相同。如:I regretted to have broken the rules of our class. = I regretted having broken the rules of our class. 我后悔违反了班规。
第(3)类hate, like, love, prefer等接不定式时,通常表示一次性或具体动作;接动词-ing 形式做宾语时,通常表示一般性或习惯性的动作。但在现代英语中,通常不加区别地混用。如:I hate to go boating today. 今天我不想去划船。I hate going boating. 我讨厌划船。
第(4)类动词mean接不定式作宾语时,表示一种意图,意思是:打算做,想要做;接动词-ing 形式做宾语时,表示解释,意思是:意味着,意思是。如:I didn’t mean to bother you. 我本不想打扰你(from www.yygrammar.com)。What he said means going there by air. 他说话的意思是坐飞机去那儿。
第(5)类try接不定式作宾语时,表示一种决心,意思是:设法做,尽力做;接动词-ing 形式做宾语时,表示没有把握,意思是:试着做。如:I’ll try to catch up with my class this term. 这一学期我将尽力赶上同学们。I tried reading the text without consulting my dictionary. 我试着不查词典来阅读课文。
第(6)类动词go on, stop等接不定式时,表示一种目的,意思是:继续或停下来的目的是要去干另一件事;接动词-ing 形式做宾语时,表示继续或停止所做的事情,意思是:继续或停止做。如(from www.yygrammar.com):Now stop to listen me, please. 现在停下来听我讲。Now stop writing, please. 现在停止写字。
第(7)类动词deserve, need, require, want等接不定式时,表示非谓语动词的动作为句子的主语所发出;接动词—ing 形式做宾语时,表示非谓语动词的动作为句子的主语所承受。如:I need to water the flowers every day. 我需要每天给花浇水。The flowers need watering every day. = The flowers need to be watered every day. 花儿需要每天浇水。
第(8)类can’t help等接不定式时,意思是:不能帮忙干;接动词-ing 形式做宾语时,意思是:禁不住干,情不自禁干。如:I’m very busy now, so I can’t help (to) clean the room. 我现在很忙,因此不能帮助打扫房间了。The girl couldn’t help crying when she saw her mother again. 当小女孩再次看到母亲时,她情不自禁的哭了起来(from www.yygrammar.com)。
第(9)类 be used to等接不定式时,意思是:被用来做什么;接动词-ing 形式做宾语时,意思是:习惯于做什么。如:The wood will be used to make paper. 这些木材将被用来造纸。The students will be used to living here soon. 学生们讲很快适应在这儿的生活。
第(10)类look forwards to等接不定式时,意思是:朝前面看某东西;接动词-ing 形式做宾语时,意思是:期望做某事。如:Many people crowded there, so I looked forward to see what had happened. 很多人围在那儿,因此我朝前面看,看那儿发生了什么事。I’m looking forward to meeting you soon. 我盼望很快见到你。答案补充
http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200808/433_2.html 这个网站学习语法不错,另外薄冰语法 这本语法书 值得推荐。
第1个回答  2010-05-27
want sb to do sth
make sb do sth
mind doing sth
finish doing sth
like to do sth
like doing sth
forget to do sth忘记去做
forget doing sth忘记已做过的事
how to do sth
used to do sth
by dong sth
wait sb to do sth
hope to do sth
want/would like to do sth
be busy doing sth
do one's best to do sth
sb need to do sth
try to do sth
tell sb to do sth
tell sb not to do sth
stop sb from doing sth
have trouble doing sth
let/make sb. do sth
manage to do sth
go on doing sth继续做(同一件事)
go on to do sth.继续做(不同的事)
be interested in doing sth
be afraid to do sth
be afraid of doing sth.
too...to do sth
end up doing sth
get used to do sth
What about doing sth
Why not do sth
would like to do sth
mind one's doing sth
be make up of doing sth
get to do sth
become expert at doing sth
succeed in doing sth
ask sb to do sth
arrived in doing sth
love to do sth
love doing sth
it is time to do sth
enjoy doing sth
do well in doing sth
the best way to do sth
had better do sth
practice doing sth
watch / see/ hear sb do / doing sth
decide to do sth
give up doing sth
agree to do sth
allow sb to do sth
invite sb to do sth
make a conctribution to doing sth
prevent from doing sth
remember to do sth记得去做……
remember not to do sth
remember doing sth记得已做过……
drop doing sth
drop to do sth
consider doing sth
pretend to do sth
prefer to do sth rather do sth.
prefer doing to doing
can't stand doing sth
be shocked by doing sth
第2个回答  2010-05-31
+to do:
would like;decide;hope;fail;expect;
+doing:enjoy;mind;finish;suggest;give up;
practice;appreciate;delay;put off;keep;imagine;miss;consider
第3个回答  2010-05-27
make sb do sth
find sb doing sth