

第1个回答  2024-05-24

Soul's Freedom Directory

Introduction:</ Even if it leads to bruises and trials</, I will steadfastly uphold the freedom of my soul.

Volume I: Ideals

    Lord Russell's Voice:</ Reflecting on political life and a royal household tale.
    Falling Leaves:</ Thoughts on youth movements and whispered conversations.
    Seeds on the Beach:</ Purpose and direction in action.
    My Journey:</ Reasons and intentions behind my endeavors.
    New Moon's Perspective:</ Expressing立场 and stance.

Volume II: Self-Examination

    Kingsbridge Memories:</ Insights into a cherished place.
    Culture and Smoking:</ A personal examination.
    Peeling Layers:</ A continuous introspection.
    Letters to the New Moon:</ Seeking understanding and healing.

Volume III: Debate

    Response to 'An Attitude':</ Clarifying thoughts and attempts to clarify.
    Unraveling More:</ Further discourse and attempts to resolve.
    Announcement for Communicators:</ Addressing readers with a message.
    Conclusion of Ramblings:</ Ending unnecessary words!

Volume IV: Lamentations

    Death of a Grandmother:</ A solemn tribute.
    Sadness for an Elder:</ Grief for a beloved.
    Tribute to沈叔薇:</ A heartfelt farewell.
    Peter, My Pet:</ A personal loss.
    Meeting Hardy:</ A poignant encounter.

Volume V: Travels

    Rainbow After Rain:</ Reflections on nature's beauty.
    Fall Thoughts in the Indian Ocean:</ Seasonal musings.
    Imagery from North戴河:</ Dreamy beach reveries.
    Europian Journeys:</ A Siberian adventure.
    Florence's Mountains:</ Quiet contemplation.
    Parisian Glimpses:</ Snapshots of a city.

Volume VI: Humor

    Another Dash of Wildness:</ Playful escapades.


Final Thoughts:</ Wrapping up the narrative and journey.


