

    The traffic accident has something to do with careless driving. 交通事故与粗心驾驶有关。

    Dad make promises that he will take the whole family out for a picnic. 爸爸承诺会带全家出去野餐。

    My brother and I have a lot in common. 我和我哥哥有很多相同的地方。

    Remember to write down your questions on the paper. 记得在纸上写下你们的问题。

    He was bitten by a snake when he was young, for this reason, he's very affraid of snakes. 他小时候被蛇咬过,因此他很怕蛇。

    My father took up teaching when he graduated from high school. 我爸爸高中毕业之后就开始教书。
