求各位英语大神帮帮忙,写一封英语书信,对象:xx好兄弟 日期:2014.11.4内容:1、在外省

求各位英语大神帮帮忙,写一封英语书信,对象:xx好兄弟 日期:2014.11.4内容:1、在外省当兵已经一年了,现在天气渐冷,不知兄弟过得是否安好?作为好兄弟的我好想念你2、我想经常打电话与你聊天,可是你说我很难联系得到你,但我还是希望你有空的时候给我来电3、还有一年就退伍了,你打算继续留队当兵还是回来找工作呢?4、……

Dear brother:
very glad to write this letter to you.It has been one year since you jion in the army in the outside province.the weather is getting cold now, I wonder how do you do now?There's only one year bofore you leave the army andwill you intend to continue to keep the team or came back to find a job? As a good brother of you, I miss you very much.I want to chat with you all the time, but you say it is difficult for me to contact you , but I still hope you can give me a call when you are free .In the same time ,I hope that you can come back first after you leave the army wherever you will go .I 'm looking forword for your return !
