

Riddle one: the elephant
Ears like a palm leaf fan body like a hill, a long nose and long, to help people to do.
Riddle two: Crab
Eight feet, lift the surface of the drum, two pairs of scissors drum before the dance, born to run rampant and high handed, often the bubble spit.
Riddle three: Frog
Wearing a flower jacket, singing croaking, field catch insects, harvest merit.
Riddle four: Cock
Wearing a red hat, wearing five colours, never love singing, voice.
Riddle five: Crane
Slender legs, thin legs, wearing red hat, wearing a white robe.
Riddle five: Cuckoo
Before it came to the summer, autumn is not found, we destroy our every year, a being.
Riddle six: Dragonfly
The tail of a nail, two eyes of winged bean, no hair, feet will not go.
Riddle seven: ostrich
一个黑大汉,腰插两把扇, 走一步,扇几扇。
A black man, waist inserted two step, fan fan, fan a few.
Puzzle eight: Dogs
Dumplings head, plum feet, butt hung to the command knife, sitting inversely standing high.
Riddle nine: goats
Old and not big, a lot of beard, no matter who met, always love to call her mother.
Riddle ten: Snake
金箍桶,银箍桶, 打开来,箍不拢。
Kim Cooper, silver Cooper, open to the hoop from ear to ear.
Riddle Eleven: Frog
A swimmer, Gua Guagua spoke hours, tail no feet, when a foot tail.
Riddle twelve: Squid
Skin dark meat white children, belly like black ink, never steal anything and that it is a thief.
Puzzle thirteen: a snail
名字叫做牛,不会拉犁头, 说它力气小,背着房子走。
The name of the cattle, said it will not pull the plow, strength is small, the house carrying a walk.
Riddle fourteen: Scorpion
Before the toxic clamp, after the tail, the body twenty-one, the traditional Chinese medicine shop to it.
Riddle Fifteen: fish
There is a head without neck, there is no eyebrow, no foot can walk, have wings difficult to fly.
Riddle Sixteen: Duck
嘴象小铲子, 脚象小扇子, 走路左右摆,不是摆架子。
Mouth like a small shovel, feet like a small fan, walking around the pendulum, not put on airs.
Riddle seventeen: Deer
身穿梅花袍,头上顶双角, 窜山又越岭,全身都是宝。
Wearing a plum robe, head of double angle, channeling mountain mountain, body is a treasure.
Riddle Eighteen: the elephant
脸上长鼻子,头上挂扇子, 四根粗柱子,一条小辫子。
Long nose on the face, head hanging fan, four thick columns, a small braid.
Riddle: Nineteen elk (i.e. David's deer)
鹿马驴牛它都象, 很难肯定象那样, 四种相貌集一体, 说象又都不太像。
It is like cattle deer horses, very hard to get the four looks like that one set, and do not like too much like.
Riddle twenty: Goldfish
凸眼睛,阔嘴巴, 尾马要比身体大, 碧绿水草衬着它, 好象一朵大红花
Convex eyes, wide mouth, horse tail than the body, the green grass lined with it, like a red flower.
Riddle twenty-one: Centipede
红船头,黑篷子, 二十四把快篙子, 撑到人家大门前, 吓坏多少小孩子。
Red bow, black awning, twenty-four fast to the pole and support to the people in front of the gate, many children are scared.
Riddle twenty-two: cat
八字须,往上翘,说话好象娃娃叫, 只洗脸,不梳头,夜行不用灯光照。
Moustache, upturned, like talking doll is called, not only wash your face, hair, night without light.
Riddle twenty-three: Firefly
远看是颗星,近看象灯笼, 到底是什么,原来是只虫。
Far see is a star, near to look like a lantern, in the end is what, the original is a worm.
Riddle twenty-four: sheep
一个白胡老头, 带了一袋黑豆, 一面走,一面漏。
A white beard old man, carrying a bag of beans, side walk, side leakage.
Riddle twenty-five: Wolf
不是狐,不是狗, 前面架铡刀,后面拖扫帚。
Not a fox, not a dog, the front frame worked behind the broom.
Riddle twenty-six: Hedgehog
小货郎,不挑担, 背着针,满地窜。
A small traveling salesman, does not carry a load carrying needle, Montreal, channeling.
Riddle twenty-seven: mule
小伙子,长得楞, 生下来,就会蹦, 不象样, 不姓他爹的姓。
Boy, was born, Leng, will jump, not decent, not his father's surname surname.
Riddle twenty-eight: Pig
有个懒家伙, 只吃不干活, 戴顶帽子帽边大, 穿件褂子纽扣多。
A lazy guy, just eat, wear a hat brim, wearing a gown more buttons.
Riddle twenty-nine: Duck
薄扇脚跟,木瓢嘴唇, 赛跑不行,游泳有名。
Thin fan heel, wooden spoon lips, no swimming race, famous.
Riddle thirty: Swallow
头有毛栗大,尾巴象钢叉, 睡觉在泥里,离地一丈八。
The head has a tail like a fork, beech mast, sleeping in the mud, from ten and eight.
Puzzle thirty-one: Lion, tiger, bear, wolf
大将军披头散发; 二将军黄袍花甲; 三将军肥头腮脑; 四将军瘦瘦刮刮。(打四种动物)
General of the army general said 60 unkempt; two; three general fat cheeks brain; four general thin scratch. (playing four kinds of animals)
Riddle thirty-two: Goose
一只顺风船,白蓬红船头, 划起两只桨,湖上四处游。
A tailwind, white Penghong bow, row two oars, swam on the lake.
Riddle: Osprey thirty-three
身上乌里乌,赤脚走江湖, 别人看他吃饱,其实天天饿肚。
Who walked barefoot ouriou, rivers and lakes, others see him, in fact every day hungry.
谜语三十四: 鱼
Riddle thirty-four: fish
一把刀,水里漂, 有眼睛,没眉毛。
A knife, water float, with the eyes, no eyebrows.
Thirty-five: a riddle
小小瓶,小小盖, 小小瓶里好荤菜。
Small bottles, small cap, small bottle of good meat.
Riddle thirty-six: Crab
胖子大娘,背个大筐, 剪刀两把,筷子四双。
The fat woman, carrying a big basket, two scissors, four pairs of chopsticks.
Riddle thirty-seven: Shrimp
小小一条龙,胡须硬似粽, 活着没有血,死了满身红。
Little dragon beard, hard like dumplings, live without blood, death was red.
Riddle: Thirty-eight Hornet
有个小姑娘,穿件黄衣裳, 你要欺侮他,她就戳一枪。
There was a little girl, wearing a yellow dress, you want to bully him, she poked a gun.
Thirty-nine: mantis riddle
头戴绿帽,身穿绿袍, 腰细肚大,手拿双刀。
Wearing a green hat, wearing a green robe, thin waist belly, holding two knives.
Riddle forty: Snake
身体花绿,走路弯曲, 洞里进出,开口恶毒。
The body is green, the walk is bent, the hole is in and out, the opening is malicious.
Riddle forty: Frog
小时着黑衣,长大穿绿袍, 水里过日子,岸上来睡觉。
Dressed in black, grew up in a green robe, water in the days, the shore up to sleep.
Riddle: forty-one moth
一个白发老妈妈, 走起路来四边爬, 不用铁鎝不用锄, 种下一片好芝麻。
A white haired old mother, walked four climb, not without a 99mTc iron hoe, a good sesame.
Riddle forty-two: Silkworm
小时穿黑衣,大时换白袍, 造一间小屋,在里面睡觉。
Hours to wear black, white robes, and made a little room, in which to sleep.
谜语四十三: 蚂蚁
Riddle forty-three: Ants
远看芝麻撒地, 近看黑驴运米, 不怕山高道路陡, 只怕跌进热锅里。
Yuankan sprinkle sesame, near black donkey meters, not afraid of high mountains road is steep, but fell into the hot pot.
Riddle: Forty-four grasshopper
腿长胳膊短,眉毛盖住眼, 有人不吱声,无人大声喊。
Long legs, short arms, eyebrows covered eyes, some people do not speak, no one shouting.
Riddle forty-five: Monkey
上肢下肢都是手,有时爬来有时走, 走时很象一个人, 爬时又象一条狗。
The upper limb of the upper limb is a hand, sometimes to climb sometimes, when walking very much like a person, climbing like a dog.
Riddle forty-six: Dragonfly
眼如铜铃,身象铁钉, 有翅无毛,有脚难行。
Eye such as bells, body like nails, winged feet, glabrous, difficult.
Riddle forty-seven: money Leopard
说它是虎它不象, 金钱印在黄袄上, 站在山上吼一声, 吓跑猴子吓跑狼。
It is said it does not like the tiger, money is printed on the yellow coat, standing with a roar in the mountains, the monkeys scare away the wolf.
第1个回答  2016-11-13
A short tail. Food, do not eat. ( strike one animal name ) Rabbit
Dumplings face, club foot. In front of behind would shout. ( strike one animal name ) dog
The little girl, night shade. With lanterns, shining bright. ( strike one animal name ) firefly
Zhi Xiang, the ground drill. To go, not broken. ( strike one animal name ) earthworm
The same matter, flower green. Had to step down, jump house. ( strike one animal name ) the cat
The ditch, the ditch string. Back needle, forgetting her lines. ( strike one animal name ) the Hedgehog
Fat legs, pointed nose. To wear a skirt, the back room. ( strike one animal name ) turtle
Ship hard, there is high. Four oar, slowly shake. ( strike one animal name ) turtle
A knife, drifted downstream. Have no eyes, eyebrows. ( strike one animal name ) fish
A star, a little bit. The main road, the drill hole. ( strike one animal name ) ant
Feet small, legs high. Red hat, wearing a white gown. ( strike one animal name ) of red-crowned crane
The small boat, cloth canopy. Head also red, paddle and red. ( strike one animal name ) goose
Long arms, monkey face. The forests have fun. Tamping pick wild fruit, magpie eggs, seize the tree swing.
( strike one animal name ).
Maiden maiden, the body like a box. Kirin scissors, eight, son. ( strike one animal name ).
Hole like a dragon, a hole like chicken. Chicken born100,100child Jackie Chan. ( strike one animal name ) of silkworm
Pointed snout, thin leg. Drag strip fat-tailed, be suspicious. ( strike one animal name ) the fox
You hit me, I hit you. Hit you cutting, hit me bleeding. ( strike one animal name ) mosquitoes
No feet or hands, wearing a skin wrinkle. If you touch it, scared to leave immediately. ( strike one animal name ) snake
Back across the sea, full of learning. From stealing, Yuanyang why thieves? ( strike one animal name ).
On the fly down the tree, to the temple at night. Don't look at me, heart lung preparation. ( strike one animal name ).
Said Ma unlike horses, on the road without it. If you use it to do drugs, to the sea to catch. ( strike one animal name ) in hippocampus
A sea bird, with the boat race. The surf to catch the fish, not afraid of the storm. ( strike one animal name ) gull
Hours like comma, playing in the water. Long jump high, is our champion. ( strike one animal name ) frog
Play in the day, a sleep at night. To the old do not disperse, boast a good marriage. ( strike one animal name ) Mandarin Duck
The girl really hard, the evening also weaving. It was dawn, sound before it stopped. ( strike one animal name ) katydid
There was a little girl, wearing yellow clothes. Who want to bully her, she poked a gun. ( strike one animal name ).
His small force is small, unity and diligence. Sometimes carry food, sometimes dug tunnels. ( strike one animal name ) ant
With two horns, carrying a wok. If the sun, not afraid of the rain. ( strike one animal name ) snail
You are sitting on my seat, I line you can not. You have to lie flat to sleep, I sleep to stand out. ( strike one animal name ) horse
In Dahongpao, wearing the armour cap. Call me Grandpa, catch catch me not in prison. ( strike one animal name ) centipede
Desert of a ship, boat hill. Looks like a beacon, near a mat. ( strike one animal name ) Camel
Wearing a green sweater, wearing five corolla. The fragrance of wine drinking, singing as Li Cuilian. ( strike one animal name grasshopper )
Head fat feet, like a fool. Short limbs and coarse, love wearing a black coat. ( strike one animal name ) bear
Son high and wide, neck like hanging tower. Friendly and kind, never fight. ( strike one animal name ) Giraffe
Like a hook nose, ears like a fan. Thigh like pillars, a tail like a whip. ( strike one animal name ) like
Looks like a yellow ball, near to see furry. Jiji Jiji called, love bug. ( strike one animal name ) chicks
The seven thousand or eight thousand brothers, living in the edge of the roof. Sell every day as a slurry, pulp juice more. ( strike one animal name ) bee
White skin waist fine, climb and fly. Wood as food, designed to house ruin. ( strike one animal name ) of termites
Body soapy, like diamond creek. Mouth spit bubbles, can measure the weather. ( strike one animal name ) of loach
Looks like the yellow chrysanthemum, lure the little fish. Tentacle prey, dance paws and show. ( strike one animal name ) the sea anemone
Like a fish is not a fish, will live in the sea. The distance is the fountain, almost look like islands. ( strike one animal name ).
Eyes like a tail lamp, such as a nail. For a long time in the clouds, over time. ( strike one animal name ).
The black bag of prime minister, sit in the lobby. Hoist the Bagua flag, designed to take flying will. ( strike one animal name ) spider
Hunchback old man, beard. He has no blood, after the death of his red. ( strike one animal name ) shrimp
Like the cat is not a cat, wears a fur-lined coat flower. The mountains dominate the king, Yin years it alone. ( strike one animal name ) tiger
Measures about one, nasal hygiene overhead. Back black belly white, settle down in the ocean. ( strike one animal name ) Dolphin
Looks like a cat, a closer look is a bird. Night catch voles, dawn to sleep. ( strike one animal name ) Owl
Leg length short arms over her eyes, eyebrows. Nobody don't, someone it. ( strike one animal name ) grasshopper
The first interpolation villa wings, wearing a colorful dress. All around tour, only know fest. ( strike one animal name ) Butterfly
The light body such as the swallow, fly in the heavens and the earth. Not far apart, also can let the word. ( strike one animal name ) pigeon
The feet warm boots, mouth a beard. When the police at night, day the eye squint. ( strike one animal name ) the cat
The front two knives, drill and seedlings. Catch baked dry, a diuretic. ( strike one animal name ) cricket
Eight four-poster railings, lived in a lazy man. Nose tail run round in circles, a circle. ( strike one animal name ) in pigs
Life is a bowl is a bowl, cooked. Don't eat a bowl, a bowl to eat it. ( strike one animal name ) escargot
Wearing a Zhou Yu hat, wearing Zhang Fei robe. Claiming to be Sun Bo's character, temperament like Ma chao. ( strike one animal name ) cricket
Wearing green clothes, carrying two swords. Crops in go, pest frighten run. ( strike one animal name Mantis )
The cat that do not catch rats, like a bear likes to eat bamboo. Swing love, cat or bear? ( strike one animal name ).
Sow ( strike one animal name ) a cuckoo
Many older brother ( strike one animal name ) Myna
Fail to ( strike one animal name ) lark
Sketch the lancet ( strike one animal name ) thrush本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2016-12-19
wers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere.