求一篇英语作文 80字

One topic has been given a detailed outline that you can follow
Write a cause-and-effect paragraph on one of the follwing topics. ( 给出了一个话题,你能详细的概括 写一段的互为因果循用的话题。)
题目 succeeding in language lerarning(成功的学习语言)
内容要包含 a lot of practice大量的练习
carry a dictionary,a notebook随身携带一本字典,一个笔记本
meet the standards of the course符合标准的课程
finish assignments完成作业
结尾 reap the benefits of the hard work 从中受益的辛勤工作
一定要用上上面的这些词语 短句等 谢谢!!!

succeeding in language lerarning

I have been fond of English since I knew of it .In order to achieve good marks in all kinds of English exams,I do a lot of practice.However,it did't really do some help.Until oneday,I heard from my English teacher that reciting words is a good way to learn English.So I began to adopt this new method to my study.I usually carry a dictionary,a notebook to anywhere I go,especially when I have English lessons,and I keep finishing assignments all the time.Finally,with the help of my English teacher ,I won the first prize in a English contest.Both my parents and teachers were proud of me.I think that I had really reaped the benefits of the hard work.
第1个回答  2010-06-15
One topic has been given a detailed outline that you can follow
Write a cause-and-effect paragraph on one of the follwing topics.
succeeding in language lerarning
含 a lot of practice
carry a dictionary,a notebook
meet the standards of the course
reap the benefits of the hard work