make the most out of 什么意思


make the most out of的意思为“最大限度地利用它”、“充分利用”。其中英文单词make有制造、做、组装、出产、制订、品牌、型号等含义;out of有从…里面、离开、从…的状态中、越出…之外等含义。

make the most out of的中文释义及双语例句

make the most out of:可以翻译为最大限度地利用它、充分利用。

1、It's up to you to make the most out of this experience.


2、Perhaps this is a sign that we must make the most out of every single day.


3、Within this cycle it is up to us to make the most out of it.


4、It's great to look to the future, but this energy is designed to make the most out of today.


5、To make the most out of this free subliminal session to supercharge your self esteem, use it for 21 days without missing a day!


6、To make the most out of our precious life, we must seek knowledge, we must try to be helpful to others, we must constantly add meaning to life by not wasting time.


7、It'll make you realize that you're fortunate, so you should take the opportunity to make the most out of your life.


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