

1. 隔离新宠物:如果您家中已有其他宠物,应 initially isolate the new arrival to prevent potential conflicts and the spread of diseases or parasites that may be present on stray dogs.
2. 健康检查:Conduct a thorough health check on the dog to identify any obvious injuries or parasites. Prompt treatment for any issues found is crucial.
3. 逐步适应:Observe the dog for a full week to ensure its health is stable before proceeding with bathing, deworming, or vaccinations. These processes should not be rushed and should not occur simultaneously. If the dog is particularly dirty, a gentle wipe with wet paper towels can be temporarily used.
4. 饮食习惯:Establish a routine of multiple small meals for the dog. Stray dogs often have a strong attachment to food, and overfeeding can lead to digestive problems. It's important to avoid giving too much food at once, as this can cause overeating and long-term damage to the dog's gastrointestinal system.