
1. 说明你想旅游的地点。
2. 说明你为什么选择这个地点。
3. 描述你的旅行计划。


I have a travel plan.I’m going to be in the Shaihai from January eighteenth to the twenty-fifth.I’m going to buy some clothes and books.I’m going to be in the Chouzhou from January twenty-sixth to the thirty-first.I’m going to visit my grandma.

I’m going to be in the Guangzhou from February first to the fifteenth.I’m going to Disney Land.


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-23
I am planing to travel to Suzhou a city called Eastern Venice.I wan to see the beautiful rivers with different kinds of bridges across it ,Then most attracting scene is the Lining Park ,i will be excited once i hear the name .The beautiful and ancient house with the green trees arounded will make the visit very comfortable .The other reason of my choosing Suzhou as my travel place is that it is quite close to my place ,i can save a lot money while enjoy my fabulous life .To make a short trip to Suzhou would not make me tired and i can also enjoy the life ,why not go there ?

第2个回答  2010-08-14
I am Nancy and I come from America. These days, I am traveling in China, the beautiful and ancient country in Asia. I really want to visit every parts of China. And first, I plan to go to Xi’an province. Secondly, I will visit the Suzhou Gardens. Because they are so outstanding and famous. What’s more, the Great Wall is the most important. I’ll go to Beijing, the capital city of China, to see it. I have a wonderful time here and I love China indeed.
第3个回答  2010-08-13
最佳答案哦!travelling is a nice choice to a lot of people . people can travel to Japan , China and USA etc. However , we need to bring our passport which is important when you enter to other country.Moreover, you can also travel into different city by plane .