2019年福建专升本英语预测试卷 (二)(2)-全国成人高考?


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2019年成人高考专升本英语预测试卷 (二)
第 II 卷( 非选择题,共 25 分)
  VI. Writing(25 points)
  Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write an essay in English in 100-120 words
  based on the following information. Remember to write it clearly.
  第 61 题
  write a composition about HOBBIES; in three paragraphs. You are given the opening sentence of
  each paragraph. Your part of the composition should be about 100 words.
  Words that may be useful:
  1. music, sports, bicycle, tennis
  2. stamps, coins, paintings, seashells, bottles, gardening, cooking
  3. (You have to develop this paragraph by yourself)
  2019年福建成考专升本英语预测试卷 (二)参考答案
  I. Phonetics
  1 1 --- 5 ABBDA
  II. Vocabulary and Structure
  6 6 --- 10 BCDDC 11 --- 15 ADBAC 16 --- 20 ACDAB
  III. Cloze
  21 --- 25 BDACB 26 --- 30 ACBBD 31 --- 35 CDABC
  IV. Reading Comprehension
  36 --- 39 ACCD 4 40 0 --- 43 DDBC 4 44 4 --- 47 CDDC
  48 --- 51 ADCB 51 --- 55 BBCC
  V. Daily Conversation
  56 --- 60 BDFGE
  Hobbies are activities in which one participates strictly for amusement. A hobby can be al
  most anything. Music is most popular. Many people play musical instruments. They play s
  imply for fun in their free hours. Sports provide other favorite hobbies. Bicycling, skating,
  tennis and countless other sports are enjoyed by millions of people.
  Some people collect things as a hobby. Stamps, coins, and paintings are all popular c
  ollections, and valuable, too. There are still hundreds of others, not necessarily valuable b
  ut still interesting, such as seashell collections, bottle collections, and so on. Gardening an
  d cooking are two examples of common activities that become hobbies for many people.
  They devote a great deal of their spare time to them.
  My hobby is playing the guitar. I have been playing it since my first year in college.
  I like to sing along when I play, too. My friends tell me that I am very good at it, but
  I don’t know whether it is true. To me it is just an enjoyable hobby.
