九年级牛津版U1的听力原文 The start of the Trojan War


The king of Troy had a son called Paris. One day, Zeus, the king of the god told Paris to decide which goddess was most beautiful.
Aphrodite was one of the goddesses, she told Paris to choose her, 'If you choose me' she said, 'I will make the most beautiful woman in the world fall in love with you, so Paris give Aphrodite a golden apple and said she was the most beautiful goddess.
Aphrodite told Paris that the most beautiful woman in the world was Queen Helen of Sparta. Helen was married to King Menelaus. Soon Paris got a fast ship and sailed from Troy to Sparta.
Queen Helen and King Menelaus welcomed Paris to Sparta.Helen and Paris have dinner together.
King Menelaus had to leave Sparta for a few days. As soon as he went Paris took Helen to Troy. Everyone in Troy lot of time because she was beautiful.
But King Manalayers was very angry.He called many of the other Greek Kings to help Tory. There were many battles in front of the walls of the Troy. The Greeks and Trojans fought each other for ten years. But the Greeks could not get inside the walls until they trick Trojans with the wooden horse.
第1个回答  2010-09-04
the king of Troy had a son called paris.one day,Zeus,the king of the god told paris to decide which godness was most beautiful.
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