


I love reading books, but I never intend to understand what is the true meaning behind those words. Each time when I comprehend the implications from my readings, I will be extremely happy and even forget to eat.
第1个回答  2013-10-20
interesting in reading the books, but never exploring the deeply meaning in these words. Once geting the new understanding, it will made me pay attention to even forget eating.
第2个回答  2013-10-20
I love reading ,howerver I never think about it's deep meaning .At the time the idea occurred to me ,I'll be too happy to eat.
第3个回答  2013-10-20
The value of reading,for me, is not to achieve the throughly understanding, but to meet some one who has the same idea as I do, once it came true, I always be so happy that forget all other things.