请以an exciting experience 为题写一篇英语作文


My presentation experience
Obviously this is not my first time doing the presentation. But this is the first time I have a group discuss with so many different nationalities. This is quite challenge for me.
Before did the first presentation, we separated our work so that everyone has different parts to do. I am doing the target audience. The tutor tells us to be more specified. As our business is bakery shop I tried to observe who will buy the pastries and cakes in my area. I find out both young and old people like to purchase, and women are more prefer this stuff than men do. By reason of our main product is organic cake we decide to target the working class female between age group 20-40.
When I was doing the PowerPoint slides, I feel lack of evidence of market for the target audience. A website that teacher said come to my mind. I search the database
find the demographic of Nottingham. The largest age group is exactly what we are going to target.
When doing the presentation, all people in the class looking at us, everyone is a bit nervous. To the other group two members whose first language is English, they can present fluently without see the notes. But to me maybe I have not prepared very well, or I have not put many key points in my slides. I need to look at my notes very often. Sometimes if I saw someone is looking at me when I caught sight of him or her, I will forget what I am going to say. Some of my notes I made is too detailed, I need to look for the information I forgot.
Some people think this class is useless because of there is no test. To my point of view, I do not fairly agree. What the tutor said, can help us doing the presentation. Like what I met. For the presentation, practice is a good way to solve nervous. If you have tried your best but still cannot remember, write as generalize as you can