
根据句中所给汉语,完成下列句子。(每空一词,每空0.5分,共10分)小题1:一旦吉姆下定决心,我们中没有人能说服他。Once Jim , none of us can persuade him.小题2:看起来似乎三分之一的游客死于酒店里的这场大火。 one third of the visitors were killed in the big fire in the hotel.小题3:汤姆一听到他得了癌症,感觉自己好像已经被判了死刑。After knowing that he’d got cancer, Tom felt as if he had .小题4:听到她儿子上台执政的消息,她突然大哭了起来。On hearing that her son came , the woman tears.小题5:三分之二的村民在地震中遇难或受伤。Two-thirds of the villagers during the earthquake last night.

小题1:makes up his mind
小题2:It seemed as if
小题3:been sentenced to death
小题4:into / to power , burst into
小题5:were killed or injured   / died or were injured 

小题1: makes up his mind 固定词组:下定决心make up one’s mind。因为主语是Jim,故使用单数形式。
小题2: It seemed as if 固定句型:it seems as if….似乎…
小题3:been sentenced to death 固定词组sentence sb to death判处某人死刑。本句是被动语态,故使用过去分词。
小题4:into / to power , burst into 固定词组come into power上台执政; burst into tears突然哭起来,
小题5:were killed or injured   / died or were injured 本句可以使用被动语态be killed,或者使用主动语态die的结构。