
Last year I was put into a lower-level math class at school. The reason had nothing to do with my math 36 . I was blind. The school decided that it would be better for me to 37 at a lower level because it took me a great deal longer to 38 the homework.
The only problem in this class was that I was surrounded by 39 students. These were boys who didn’t do well in school. Their home life was 40 different from mine, and they were constantly (经常地) in trouble 41 the school.
I remember sitting at my desk one morning, 42 what I had gotten into. We had already finished our lesson for the day, and 43 of the boys began to talk about what they had done at the past weekend. I tried not to 44 , but it was really impossible not to. 45 the teacher was in the room, that didn’t stop my classmates from 46 the parties they had been to, and how drunk they had been.
One Tuesday morning, I went to a 47 . There was a speaker talking to us about 48 for our enemies. I began to think about this and prayed for (为……祈祷)the boys in my class. I had forgotten that they weren’t good boys; they were just 49 .
When I heard their voices in class, I would pray, “Dear God, please 50…”As time went on, my classmates became more than just 51 boys to me. There was something growing inside my heart, something that wasn’t there before. They began to feel like 52 , and I was learning to love them in a way I never thought possible.
I now see that praying is such a 53 act. When I pray for those around me, it also blesses my 54 , and it changes my ideas of others. I realize I need God’s blessings to 55 the world through my loving eyes. The prayers I said for others turned out to help me the most.

第1个回答  2014-01-07
同学 这是完形填空好不好追问


第2个回答  2014-01-07
42但51是填空 ?能否填完了再翻译?